
Wise Blood Character Analysis

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Are humans natural born sinners? Are we content with our self-indulging human nature? Flannery O’Connor shows us through her stories that the worst quality in a human is selfishness. Through grotesque characters, O’Connor demonstrates the common theme of selfish human nature to display the ability it has to ruin/drive people crazy and that people only look to religion when they are desperate.
One of her most famously known works would be the novel Wise Blood. The protagonist may be one of the most grotesque characters of them all. Hazel Motes is described as having “a nose like a shrike’s bill and a long vertical crease on either side of his mouth” and eyes with “settings so deep that they seemed to her, almost like passages leading somewhere”. …show more content…

His meeting of Enoch Emory demonstrates his extremely low patience, even knowing that Enoch isn't completely right in the head. All Enoch tries to do is make a friend in Hazel because he feels as if he connects with him as both of them being outsiders. What Hazel does instead is use the poor boy to find the Hawks’ house and once he does he abandons him like nothing. This is another example of Hazel’s selfish disregard for other people. He doesn't care about anything or anyone so long as she gets what he's looking for, and he doesn't care what he does. Another person he is terrible to is Lily Hawks. His situation with Lily must have been one of the most grotesque of them all. His first encounter goes as followed “ he looked at the outside of it and he tore it across. He put the two pieces together and tore them across again...he turned his hand over and let the shredded leaflet sprinkle to the ground” this is what he does after receiving the pamphlet from Lily. This is an example of his disregard of respect for other’s beliefs. The Hawks may not have the best of intentions for what they do, but that also doesn't give Haze the right to be blatantly rude about someone else’s religion. He is so caught up trying to change other people’s beliefs he doesn't take the time to actually get to know people because all he cares about is spreading his word. Hazel’s persistence demonstrates how bad it is …show more content…

Asa Hawks was once a young devout preacher who attempted to blind himself for Jesus. It didn't work out so instead he pretended to be blind and have his daughter Lily follow around with the charade. They go around the streets passing out pamphlets on Jesus and in return ask for donations, “The fake blind man leaned forward and smiled. ‘You still have time to save yourself if you repent’ he said” this demonstrates how fake his word is. He doesn't really believe in redemption or anything but he mocks Hazel’s and sees him as a joke. His daughter Lily is not much different either. She's a 15 year old girl and she is trying to seduce him, “it would be the nuts! I’m just crazy about him. I never seen a boy that I liked the looks of any better” the only real reason she likes Haze is because she knows her father can't stand her anymore and she will need somewhere to go. She's also clearly delusional when it comes to Haze and this demonstrates when Enoch drops off the “new Jesus” and she acts as if it's their child, “‘Ask your daddy yonder where he was running off to-sick as he is?’ Sabbath said ‘ask him isn't he going to take you and me with him” this little girl has a family image in her mind and yet Haze just wants to get rid of her. This demonstrates the part of O’Connor’s idea of needing to put your faith into something otherwise it can drive you crazy. This girls has nobody to turn to, a father, a

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