
Essay The Essex and Hazel Motes in Wise Blood by Flannery O'Connor

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The Essex and Hazel Motes in Wise Blood by Flannery O'Connor

In her 1952 novel Wise Blood, Flannery O'Connor presents Hazel Motes's Essex automobile as a symbol for Hazel himself. The car's dilapidated state corresponds to Motes's own spiritual decay; however, the initial quality of the car's workmanship corresponds to Hazel's Christian upbringing, which he cannot deny in spite of himself. Motes's identification with and reliance upon his car as a means of escape becomes ironic as the Essex continually fails to deliver him from his demons; Hazel's dependence on his car (despite his contentions that he is not concerned with material possessions) actually holds him back.

O'Connor writes of Motes's Christian childhood in chapter one …show more content…

Complicating Hazel's confused conceptions of entrapment, sin, and Christianity is the episode involving the Melsy carnival, at which Hazel and his father pay to see a woman lying in a coffin. Hazel's father has a lustful reaction to the woman; he says "Had one of themther built into ever' casket . . . be a heap ready to go sooner" (32). Haze's "shut-mouthed" mother, who O'Connor describes as having a "cross-shaped face," senses Haze's guilt when he returns home (32-33). Telling him that "Jesus died to redeem you," she whips him with a stick, leaving him with a "nameless unplaced guilt" (33). The actions of his parents leave Motes unable to distinguish what is good and Christian from what is forbidden and evil. He associates his grandfather with Christianity but also entrapment; he associates entrapment with the carnival episode, in which his father treated the woman as desirable but after which Hazel was made to feel guilty.

Hazel Motes's Christian upbringing continues to be significant in later chapters of Wise Blood. Several characters notice an inherent goodness in Hazel that shows through despite his determination to deny it. The FROSTY BOTTLE waitress, who says, "I know a clean boy when I see on e," warnsthe "nice boy" Hazel to stay away from Enoch, lest he be corrupted by the "goddamned son a bitch"(46-47). Hazel responds, "I AM clean," making

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