
Why Raising Minimum Wage Should Be Raised

Decent Essays

Raising minimum wage has been a battle for many decades and it has always been a battle to raise it. Many families that work for a minimum wage job often have trouble making ends meet because making $8.75 just isn’t enough in this today’s economy. Some jobs are paying $2.13 an hour but this is mostly at restaurants that are family owned but if they don’t make enough on tips they must get paid $7.25 per hour they worked. Although minimum wage has changed dramatically since 1938 when it was $0.25 cents (Kurtz&Yellin) American families simply cannot live on minimum wage. Raising minimum wage should be raised to help families that need it the most.

In 2013, 3.3 million Americans worked at an hourly rate at or below the federal minimum of $7.25. Those3.3 million of Americans represent just 4.3 percent of hourly paid employees (Pathe) Raising minimum wage to 12 dollars an hour could reduce the welfare spending by at least 17 Billion dollars. There are at least $1,117 billion dollars in welfare, including $716 billion for Medicaid, and $411 billion in other welfare services (Chantrill). Several families in the US are working for a minimum wage job and often need help weather its Food stamps, or getting paid by the government. There are 43 Million Americans on food stamps (Pflaum) …show more content…

I worked a minimum wage job for 6 days and I did 8 hours shifts and only got 193 dollars. I personally think minimum wage workers don’t get paid enough for what they do. They deal with unpleasant costumers. They are constantly cussing at you. Some people has told me stories where they even got food thrown in their face because the grill workers made a simple

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