
Why Is Health Promotion Campaign Important?

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on the way in which an environment shapes behaviour, by making it more or less rewarding to behave in particular ways. For example, if at work there is no regulation on where people are able to smoke cigarettes, it is easy to be a smoker. If regulations are in place, it is more difficult and, as a consequence, most smokers smokeless and find such an environment more supportive for quitting.
Behavioural change: The aim of this approach is to encourage individuals to take responsibility for their own health and choose healthier lifestyles. This is done by Persuasion through one to-one advice, information, mass campaigns, for example. Looking after Your Heart dietary messages
The NHS involvement in providing health promotion
Why is health promotion campaign important in the UK?
There are fears that the recent generation and their children’s generation will age less successfully than the current older one – no surprise given that, although rates of cigarette smoking are falling, more people are drinking heavily, only a minority of adults exercise often enough to maintain good health and obesity rates have greatly increased over the last 20 years.
Obesity is a main health issue which can lead to other health problems such as diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, joint pain, Nursing Times (2009) states that ‘these health issues can be prevented or delayed by lifestyle measures. A health promotion package would enable adults of all ages to lead a happier and healthier life.

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