
Health Promotion Approach Analysis

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An approach helps the promoter to make decisions on how they will approach the clients in giving the information needed for that certain approach (Naidoo & Wills, 2004). An approach will “determine the diversity in concept of health, influence of health and ways of measuring health lead” (Naidoo & Wills, 2004). Each approaches have different aims, methods and means of evaluation as well as different objectives on preventing diseases (Ewles & Simnet, 2003), ensuring the people or clients are well informed and are able to make their own health choice, help the client to acquire their own skill and confidence to “take greater control over their health” (Naidoo & Wills, 2004) and to be able to change policies and environments in order to facilitate healthy choices (Naidoo & Wills, 2004).
The appropriate approach for this health promotion is through an educational approach. With this type of approach, it provides knowledge as well as helps the people to gain or developed necessary skills to guide them in making an informed decision about their health behaviour (Lucas & Lloyds, 2005). This approach does not set out to persuade or motivate change in a person’s decision-making process; the promoters are simply acting as a guide in educating the people about the disease …show more content…

whether they want to persuade the clients or do they only want to simply act as a guide to help the clients to make an informed decision on the information given. Example of government health promotion that uses an educational approach is the stop smoking campaign by the NHS and also the life campaign that focuses on healthy diet for the UK populations known as change4life. It focuses on children and their family to have a healthy lifestyle by encouraging them to eat healthy and exercise

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