A. Describe one student’s behavior from either scenario, including relevant examples of how this behavior affects the learning environment.
1) I choose Sarah, she wanders around the classroom. This affects the other students because it is a distraction to them. They want to know why Sarah is walking around, which then causes them to lose focus on the lesson. This type of behavior is very disruptive to the class as a whole. The teacher then has to stop class and address Sarah and the other student’s who are wandering. It is difficult to keep the student’s engaged in a lesson as it is and then when you have an added distraction it makes it more difficult. This behavior also gives other student’s a sense of entitlement they think if Sarah can
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A clicker is a set of software and/or hardware that can be used in many ways in the classroom. I feel Wilson would especially benefit from this, as he doesn’t like to participate in class because of his shyness. Many teachers use clickers to assess students’ higher order thinking skills and also to recall facts from the lesson. A clicker can help maintain students’ attention when used alongside a lecture. It encourages participation because it is used randomly. Creates a safe space for the students who are to shy to raise their hand and answer a question verbally. This technology could help Wilson participate better in class because he wouldn’t be singled out if he answered incorrectly. The whole class would then be able to see how many students choose the correct answer on average without knowing who answered what. This could also bring about discussions on a topic that might be of interest to Wilson.
G. Describe a way to incorporate a different type of technology to enhance motivation, referencing a different student from either scenario as a target for the technology.
I would use Technology as a reward for the students. After having one good week of classes I would allow Nancy, George, Sarah, and whoever else is interested in photography and movie-making work on the laptops and create a project for fun. As far as Walden, Joey, Bridgett, and the other classmates who attend a science camp. I would allow them to work on the laptop and play science games. This would motivate the students to do what is required so they can receive a
c. These situations made me feel confident that confidential information would not be shared and only he relevant people would know. Also made me feel good to see the young people having contact with their families. The young person feels happy to be seeing their families and also
Student G will have assignments broken into chunks so that she won’t get overwhelmed with a lengthy assignment. Since she enjoys playing on the computer implementing technology into the assignment will help engage her in assignments. Given the opportunity to use technology Student G will achieve in the classroom because she will be motivated and highly engaged. Assignments that promote choice and are of personal interest to her will also help her develop self-regulation skills which will allow her to operate freely in the classroom.
4. How does your view of behavior affect how you might address this consulting assignment?
C: Her class, unwilling to listen with attention, talked loudly about the planning and executing of their misbehavior.
8. One or more highly disruptive student :Find out the real reason for such indiscipline & disruption & try to sort that out. eg. if the child is a 'genius', and so causes disruption because of bordom and is way ahead of the class, then provide him/her with work/activity on the side, suited to his/her
Establish and justify a motivational program based on one or a combination of motivation theories to deal with the situation as it exists at the end of the case.
Describe the re-engagement lesson you designed to develop each focus student’s mathematical knowledge in relation to the targeted learning objective/goal. Your description should include
b. I will primarily engage students in critical thinking by asking students higher level questions, whether that be in general discussion, in bellwork, or through document based questions.
b. It’s useful when students want to do a compare and contrast to the theory they are studying. It gives students various perspectives to view an issue.
a. Student becomes a more active learner due to the lack of teacher who are willing to provide all the information to student.
b. According to Dr. Brian Ray (2011). Students are engaged in social and educational activities.
|Student disrupts all students in the room. It causes reduction in instructional time for himself and his peers, as well as a reduction in completion of |
William was one of the only students that was engaged during the entire lesson. He remained on task even when there were distractions by other students and the class clown. William kept to himself, yet did everything that was asked of him. For these reasons, I labeled William as the “Portrait Child.” The class leader during this lesson was Desmond because many students followed his lead. When Desmond was on task and doing the correct thing, the students around him were on task. Desmond did provide un-called for responses a few times. After he talked without being called on, some of the other students thought that they could speak without being called on. This showed the power that Desmond had over this group of students. Though Desmond is in the lower-level group, he is not the academically lowest student in this group. Desmond understood most of the topics that were covered in the lesson. Since he is slightly higher academically than the other students in this group, Desmond was the “Class Leader.” Lastly, the class isolate was the easiest to spot. Ms. Rogers had to prompt Brian to participate four times through the lesson. This was more than any other student. Brian had an unengaged attitude and only participated when he was directly told to do so. I labeled Brian as the “Class Isolate” due to his lack of participation in the
Three are many aspects of school that are unhealthy to a students life that many teachers don?t see and so these
B. As the bully, you don’t see what you’re doing to the person because you’re dealing with things yourself.