
Why Do You Think Transgender People Should Go To The Restroom

Satisfactory Essays

Some people think transgender people should go to the bathroom that they were born into right? Well I think not, I think they should go to the bathroom they want to go to. Everybody knows everyone needs to go to the restroom and do their business, but transgender people have to choose either go to the woman because of the color of the lipstick they´ŕe wearing or they also think they should go to the man's bathroom because of the five o’clock shadow. Many people say ¨They should be going to the restroom they were born to¨ but according to TIME a person they interviewed said ¨If I choose the women’s restroom, I risk facing panicked women who take one look at my facial hair and assume that I’m a predator. If I choose the men’s restroom, I risk facing transphobic men who, with one glance at my dangling earrings, begin hurling slurs or throwing punches¨. That's what they have to live with their whole life either they meet up with the scared woman in the bathroom or man who is not scared to show how they feel about trans. …show more content…

Because It wouldn't be fair just because they changed their gender they get to judge for them wanting to be a certain way and they get judged because they enter someplace they don't know how other people would react. They should be able to pick the bathroom f their choice, because they would feel uncomfortable if once they enter and people are staring at them like if they were crazy. And especially a man would say something and it would make the trans uncomfortable and would make them feel bad about how they feel they should dress. Plus some men wouldn't want the man dressed as a woman to enter the

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