
Why Transgenders Should Have Equal Rights

Decent Essays

Transgenders Are Equals

They wake up and go to bed, they go to the same stores, they breath the same air, and they drive the same cars so why can't Transgenders have the same jobs and rights as us ? Transgenders have been doing all the same things we do forever, Now suddenly it's a huge problem for them to have the same jobs and receive the same things we do and have equal rights. Transgenders should have equal rights because they are more prominent in society than we may think, they need our medical help , and they are just like everyone else.

To better understand why people don't want the Transgender community to have equal rights, one reason is because people who have been sexually assaulted and traumatized physically or mentally fear that predators will use the bathroom rules to their advantage. Safe Spaces for Women is a group that provides women who have been sexually assaulted with support and care and advice. Recently there was a amicus and it stated "Safe Spaces for Women has nothing against transgendered community it's …show more content…

A transgender woman named Ana had been on estrogen for five years before getting arrested . They placed her in jail and refused to give her hormone therapy. Anna stated in a documentary that she was in "When they took me off estrogen it became I could just tear the skin off the top of my head and crawl out of my skin. It's headaches and vomiting and real serious depression" ( Givins). Most times the Transgender community tend to think about suicide when things like this tend to happen. USA today news stated "41% try to kill themselves at some point in their lives" (Ungar) Transgenders need the same health care as everyone else because suicide is never the answer and it is not fair that they have to go through it when the situation could easily be

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