
Why Do Child Soldiers Go To Jail

Satisfactory Essays

Have you ever been forced to do something you didn’t want to do?
Many child soldiers go ask them selfs the question everyday. I feel that the child soldiers shouldn’t go to jail for their actions during war. Many people might not think the same as me, but i have several reasons to support my opinion. Many people may not aggre with me on what im saying like why should soldiers go to jail this are my reasons why soldiers shoulg go to jail other may disagree with me some others may aggre with me. And the reason im doing this is becuase we need to stop having soldiers killing people some might sday its fair to kill them but other may agree with me that they should go more than 3 years in jail i dont know if u agree with me but here are my reasons to supoort my opinions…. …show more content…

Soemtimes they might not do something wrong and they could put them to jail if their not doing nothing.child soldiers are no diffrent from child criminals becauase thy have to do more stuff than the kids they don’t do nothing to kill them and start killing becauase people are getting mad for the stuff that their doing many kids died for that reason that they didn’t do nothing. Many soldiers are responsible for their own stuff but not to kill each of the

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