
Reasons Why Child Soldiers Are Criminals

Satisfactory Essays

For some of the people in the world you might think that child soldiers are criminals I think different. Why I think different is that they are not criminals they are victims not criminals. I will give you five reasons and these are kids getting brainwashed,kicked off sports,clearing minefields, parents selling them and resist going to help in the wars.
The first most important reason from the article “Armed and Underage” is when they get brainwashed. When they are taken away from their family they get brainwashed. Some may think that there is still a choice but there brains are not fully developed so they are still growing and learning new things. So when they get injected with the mix if it doesn't work the first time they will keep doing it till the child get imune with killing. Also they could get addicted to the mix because the young brain is still developing. …show more content…

We all know that kids like to play sports for fun and play with friends. While it may be true that these kids could have a different idea like not to fight in the war. Nevertheless kids in Somalia don't have many choices to choose from they do what they are told. What if they got kicked off of there team just to go and help in the war. I think that they shouldn't get kicked out of sports just to go and do something that they don't want to do.
For my third reason from the article “Armed and Underage” is that the kids have to clear minefields. Some may think that they don't have to do that. It turns out that they don't really have a choice. Which means that they have to do what they are told and they can't say no or they might be threatened to death or something like

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