
Who Hold The Power

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Kaleb Morgan Mr. Abbott Idv. & Soci. G6 12/10/15 Who Hold the Power? What are the best kind of systems in a country? The government is important, so is the economic system, but the judiciary system is always needed. The most successful government economic and judicial system that one could find across the world are Dictatorships, Socialism, and the Supreme Court Judicial System. First, Dictatorships, although disliked by many, can be extremely effective in decision making and growth and resilience of the country. For example, ‘Dictatorships allow for straightforward and efficient decision making as after the 1936 Spanish elections, under Francisco Franco, all rightist factions were unified. His uncontested leadership managed to take …show more content…

The two countries, China and India, both rapidly grew economically but while China was able to maintain its infrastructure and is able to deliver essentials, India has only deteriorated, showing the strength and resilience of a dictatorship compared to a democracy. On the other hand, “Other countries, such as Peru and Chile attempted to tackle income redistribution through macroeconomic means, in the case of Allende in Chile and the first term of Garcia in Peru, Which achieved the opposite of what they set out to accomplish, resulting in massive political instability, High inflation, violence and even a coup.” (Dictatorship Is the Best Path). While dictator groups were “coupled with the opening to free markets”, Latin America,which was a democracy at the time, was nearly collapsing in their attempt of tackling income redistribution, proving how efficient dictatorships can be. Another showing of how other government systems aren’t nearly as good is “Robert Marsh conducted a survey of 98 countries from the period of 1955-70 and found that: Political competition/democracy does have a significant effect on later rates …show more content…

The best kind of judicial system is the Supreme Court Judicial System. For example, “One thing that really stands out about the court system are the rights that are given to the accused.” Unlike, “In many other countries you may not have the right to a jury trial or to competent legal assistance.” (How Does the US Court System). This shows this system as much more fair to the accused, even if they did do something wrong, by giving them right and legal help if they can’t afford it. Also, “In some countries the punishment for crimes we consider to be a misdemeanor, such as shoplifting, can be very severe.” (How Does the US Court System). This shows how our system of justice is much more lenient than others and shows that, even though a person may have broken the law, we are much less harsh in comparison to others. A few examples of failures of a judicial religious system known as the Sharia are, “The problem is that it is all too easy for an individual judge to make some pronouncement or invoke some penalty without the full knowledge of the background of Sharia and the spirit behind the various laws and penalties. (How Does the US Court System). This shows how some religious-based laws, such as the Sharia, have judges that don’t fully know the laws and their spiritual meaning behind them, leading to improper punishments. Another example is, ‘In Sharia law any marriage that

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