
What Was The Impact Of Roberto Clemente

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When Roberto Clemente died, he left a hole in baseball and left the Pirates without a leader. For example Pirates pitcher Steve Blass was great in 1972 Clemente’s last season. In 1972 Steve Blass went 19-8 19 wins 8 losses with a 2.49 ERA. In 1973 without Clemente, Steve went 3-9 with a 9.85 ERA. The Pirates released him after that season. He lasted just one more game in the majors before quitting baseball forever. With Clemente he was 100-63 without Clemente he was 3-9. MLB also named the Roberto Clemente Award after him. It is given to the best player/humanitarian in the MLB. Roberto Clemente was left an impact because as some athletes use their money for bad things, Roberto used his for

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