
Jackie Robinson Hero

Decent Essays

The world of baseball is a different place because of one brave man who fought for equality. Jack Roosevelt Robinson is known as a hero to many people because of his bravery and courage to fight for what's right. Because of his courage to fight for equal rights, the challenges he faced, and his legacy and lasting impact on the world of baseball, Jackie Robinson is a very heroic figure.
Equal rights for baseball was a fight that Jackie fought. Accepting Rickey's offer to play with the Royals at first, then the Dodgers, he was accepting the challenge to fight for equal rights. Branch Rickey, the owner of the Brooklyn, Dodgers, saw Jackie's baseball talent and asked to meet him in Brooklyn. Rickey wanted him to play for his team and said it …show more content…

Many awards were given to him for his accomplishments. For example, he was the first to be awarded rookie of the year for all of baseball, not just the National League. Therefore, the rookie of the year award was named after Jackie in 1987. (Maddux Zito 482) This evidence suggests that what he did to the world of baseball made a big enough impact to have an award named after him. Next, many people were inspired by Jackie. His popularity grew with everyone. About half of the Major League players were black by the 1970's. Also, songs were written because of him, a comic book was made, and a movie was created called Jackie Robinson. (Graf 3) This logically implies that Jackie became a heroic figure and inspired everyone. Last of all, Robinson impacted so many people that he has his own day celebrated by many. 42 is the number he wore. Today it has been retired so nobody else in the Major Leagues can wear it except on Jackie Robinson Day. “The man who helped change the course of the game and more importunity, our country." was what Jackie was known as. (Graf 3,4) This example demonstrates how he made a major impact on everyone off and on the baseball field. Because of Robinson's courage, he has a lasting impact to this

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