How Loneliness Fuels Addiction Today, millions of people feel chronically lonely and isolated. A condition which can have detrimental effects on mental and physical wellbeing. This feeling can stem from a multitude of reasons, such as grief following loss, divorce, separation or miscarriage. Not only can loneliness increase the risk of depression, suicidal thoughts, heart conditions and other illnesses, but it can also trigger or worsen addiction. The Connection Between Loneliness and Addiction Feeling lonely or depressed can push anyone towards addiction. Turning to the "comfort" of alcohol and drugs becomes a way of coping with feeling alone, unloved, rejected and confused and also numbs the pain. It helps avoid confrontation with our problems, delivering a false sense of security. It is a vicious …show more content…
Support groups and treatment will probably be necessary to break the cycle of addiction, but lifestyle changes can also bring positive changes and greatly improve the situation. Aim to spend quality time with family and friends. A strong support system can reduce the risk of depression, self-harm and help recover from addiction. Reach out and show up for meetings and gatherings. Communication is the key to helping your loved ones understand the situation and the recovery process. To help families deal with addiction and better comprehend the recovery process and the involved family dynamics, our alcohol and drug recovery center campuses offer comprehensive family programs. During these family programs, family members and close friends are briefed and know what to expect, and also attend groups and treatments for themselves. Finding a strong recovery network, such as RCA, is important to promote recovery through extensive support systems which aim to restore physical, mental and social
Many participants engaged the group with stories of overcoming addiction or being sexually molested by family members as reasons behind their addiction. However all of their stories were compelling and empowering to the group of individuals who have seemed to endure some of the same sentiments as their fellow group mate. It appeared as if the individuals in the group even though that were court ordered appeared to be extremely engaged and very involved during the meetings. It seemed as though most who attended found peace and solice from the group during the NA meetings. As it stated by Krentzman, Robinson, Moore, (2010), client’s state that their top two reasons for attending NA meetings were to promote recovery/ sobriety and to find support acceptance and friendships. One thing that I learned from the NA group that just as in AA, family support deems to be an important function on the perseverance of an addict and that the participation and involvement of family is detrimental in the treatment process for the addicts. In several of our readings many of the passages discussed the effects of family systems support as it pertains to substance abusers chemical addiction. The passages described the family system as being a detrimental part of the treatment process as well as for the treatment of the family as well. According to past studies, family involvement has aided clients in
Drug addiction and alcoholism have a devastating effect on not only the addicts who suffers from these illnesses, but also on friends, family and workmates who interact with these addicts on a regular basis. When the addict finally succumbs to their addiction, the only way out is usually through the help of a professional and reputable inpatient addiction treatment center.
Narcotics Anonymous is a support group using the same principles as Alcoholics Anonymous but designed for individuals addicted to narcotics (Fortinash & Holoday Worret, 2012). The programs emphasize both personal responsibility and mutual accountability by means of a social model recovery program which is peer-driven. Recovery Kentucky utilizes care and change as their foundation for the peer-driven model. Participants are often reminded the program is not just a pit stop for drug and alcohol use but a commitment to change the whole body, mind and spirit. They are required to attend community meetings and complete a twelve step program where the client will acknowledge the problem, recognize a solution and develop a plan of action that will support the ultimate goal of sobriety (MIC Program Description, n.d.).
Now this is where choice in very important. Choice works throughout the entire addiction process along with environment and brain chemistry. Addiction is commonly developed in this order. At this point addiction has taken over the over the life of the individual and usually effects anyone close to them. The addict must make the choice to continue along this path or pull out of the situation. Not all addicts have to hit “rock bottom” to overcome their addiction. Addiction can show its self in many different forms and is not the same for everyone. It can effect people in
Recovery is the process of participating in a group or program providing treatment and support for a longstanding psychological or behavioral problem, such as abuse, addiction, grief, or trauma (Melemis, Steven, 2015). As a non-addict it seems easy enough to make a decision to stop drinking and follow through with that decision when temptation presents itself, but for an alcoholic it is not the simple. However, an alcoholic struggles with the temptation on a daily bases. Relapse prevention begins with addressing social interactions, emotional triggers, and developing positive coping mechanisms. Recovery and relapse requires is a process that should be done with others around to support each step and each phase of the
As social beings, most of us feel the need to interact and enjoy the company of others. A popular definition of loneliness is that it's that feeling we get when this interaction is missing. However, loneliness is not the same as being alone or isolated. One can choose to be alone and enjoy a very blissful life. Or one can be very active in community groups, friends, and even family and still feel lonely. Loneliness is not an outward appearance, its an internal battle that causes weakness, and spiritual isolation within a person.
First of all, there is the Structural-Functional perspective way people view drug addiction as. The structural-functional perspective is the role the drugs do for the person or the weakening of the norms. It is the way they affect the person and what it does to them that makes them be addicted to drugs. For some people drugs relieves them. It takes them away from their problems from a while and they feel stress free and because of that feeling they receive from the drugs they like it and continue to take more and more. Those with this type of perspective well most likely disagree with this view of drug addiction and would want the problem to decrease.
Despair and Addiction makes them feel like there is no way out and then they start to feel depressed and do drugs thinking it is the only way out so they start having addictions and then they get more depressed and feel more alone.
One technique a person can utilize for escaping compulsive engagements is treatment therapy programs. According to “Health the Basics 11th Edition” by Rebecca J. Donatelle “Outpatient Behavioral treatment encompass is a wide variety of programs for addicts who visit a clinic at regular intervals.” These intervals include cognitive behavioral therapy, multidimensional family therapy, motivational interviewing and motivational incentive therapy. These programs assist patients with victory over addiction through open discussions that allow patients to express emotional state and evaluate their life. In addition partaking in treatment programs is a significant step for addicts who are seeking
This then results in lack of control when the same outcome can no longer be established. This leads to increasing dosage or behavior to try and achieve the same high or to possibly better it. Substance addictions leave the body constantly craving a good feeling despite the consequences they may have. In order to understand the real mentality of someone with addiction/s is to examine a person in a philosophical and psychological way.
Oftentimes, people confuse loneliness with the state of being alone. When looking at the overall big picture, it is easy to forget that loneliness is temporary. People are not alone because even back in primitive times, they bore a natural instinct to strive for companionship in order to survive. Human imagination creates companions in cases of extreme loneliness which contradicts the state of being alone. Due to societal and family standards, others in society make it practically impossible to be alone. Mankind often goes through life without realizing the overwhelming amount of human contact and support. People are never alone, they are just simply
Despite the higher cost, a high-end substance abuse treatment center does not constitute better treatment. The support of therapists, counselors, family, friends, and peers can all be important factors in the recovery process. The most significant factor for an individual in the recovery process is a desire and a willingness to change. Many options exist for individuals that want to recover from addiction. These options include substance abuse rehabilitation centers and support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and SMART Recovery. These programs all have the same goal but use different techniques that at times even contradict other programs. Although the approach of the programs may vary, they have all been proven to work for certain
Social Isolation can be defined as a continual lack of contact with other people. Social isolation and chronic loneliness is one of the indisputable signals of mental turmoil, including major depression. It is the withdrawal of self from social roles directly or indirectly among individuals. Loneliness is the feeling of emptiness and desolation. This issue can immensely negative consequences on older persons such as a wide variation of premature health issues.
Generally almost all loneliness can be traced back to low or below "average" self-esteem. Chronically lonely people will usually have low opinions of themselves. They may think of themselves as unintelligent, unattractive, broken, unwanted, not worthy of good things, no good, unable to do anything right, and/or socially isolated. Unlike many other emotionally hurting people, the chronically lonely usually know what is wrong, but like many others they don't believe they can do anything to fix it, or, circling back to the low self-esteem, they may also believe they are not worth of happiness.
Loneliness seems to have become a common characteristics that individuals share around the world. Although this is a subject that has been a part of discussions and a focus of research for many years in philosophy , theology, psychology and literature, the scientific study has had a relatively short record. In this day and age there have