
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Report

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An addiction is a harmful relationship with drugs, alcohol, things or activities that brings about negative consequences by over use. People over use this relationship as a form of relaxation, reward or escape and overtime become dependent on these harmful relationships. Extensive research has gone into developing a program to help individuals overcome these harmful relationships. Alcoholics Anonymous has developed a 12- Step Program, which is a model that has been proven to benefit the community in helping to resolve addictions. The 12 step program helps to combat different type of addictions, although minor changes are made to deal with specific additions it is a very successful program. In Saint Petersburg Florida and program called …show more content…

The members in the group were very inviting and open with their mission. The programs presentation was very interesting and helpful to each person in attendant. Although the meeting lasted one hour and thirty minutes it seems to help each individual deal with their addiction at little better. The leader of the meeting was Kathy; the meeting had about 15 attendants. The members where very active in following the guidelines and standards of the meeting, these guidelines and standards help the members accept their addictions and the process of healing. The 12 steps to recovery and sobriety include honesty, faith, surrender, soul searching, integrity, acceptance, humility, willingness, forgiveness, maintenance, making contact and service. These steps are a part of the healing and recovery process with any addiction behavior. Honesty, integrity and faith are three of the most important factor in the 12 step program. When a person has an addiction it requires them to truly assess where they are with the addition and to seek a higher power for strength (Medical News Today, …show more content…

Recovery is the process of participating in a group or program providing treatment and support for a longstanding psychological or behavioral problem, such as abuse, addiction, grief, or trauma (Melemis, Steven, 2015). As a non-addict it seems easy enough to make a decision to stop drinking and follow through with that decision when temptation presents itself, but for an alcoholic it is not the simple. However, an alcoholic struggles with the temptation on a daily bases. Relapse prevention begins with addressing social interactions, emotional triggers, and developing positive coping mechanisms. Recovery and relapse requires is a process that should be done with others around to support each step and each phase of the

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