What’s your motto/Saving: One of my favorite quotes is by James Baldwin which is: You can not fix, what you will not face. A lot of times, people will have issues, but we are good at fixing symptom but we really don’t get to the core of what the problems are and we put a Band-Aid on it not realizing that the issues still exist. Until we are willing to address issues head on, they will continue to exist. Why & What I am in this class to learn as much as I can about facilities. I work in administration, but not in facilities, and this will give me another opportunity to gain more knowledge about a different part of the business at our institution. What I plan to get out of the class is better understanding of how facilities
This excess of information can be ciphered through and used as a baseline starting point for a new facility management process. By combining the old data with new data, the software provided with the new system along with an access point can allow data to build and improve upon the capability of the older system. Analytic tools such as those provided by the new system can help to reduce energy use and provide improvement to current operations, not only on a facility efficiency level, but on the financial side of facility management as well.
The average age of the delegates was 42 and some of the most important delegates such as Alexander Hamilton, Edmund Randolph, Gouverneur Morris and James Madison were in their thirties. Many of the delegates graduated from college. In fact over half of them graduated from college 9 of them bring from Princeton and six from British Universities. Even more significant information was their political experience. In fact 8 signed the Declaration of Independence, 25 served in the continental Congress, 15 helped draft the new State Constitutions between 1776 and 1780, and 40 served in the Confederation Congress between 1783 and 1787.
Furniture: Is all furniture inside the classroom in good repair and suitable for the size of the user. This will ensure that pupils are able to sit comfortable when working , maintain good postures and are not hunched over small tables. Permanent fixtures need to be taken into account, are they in good condition and securely fastened, eg cupboards, display boards, shelving. Hot surfaces such as radiators also need to be protected where necessary, to prevent the risk of burns to pupils.
James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket is a biographical documentary created by Karen Thorsen and Douglas K. Dempsey that gives viewers a deeper look into the life of this artist, whom had a strong passion about writing and a need to express his thoughts. With a structure full of rich cinéma vérité footage and a plethora of interviews involving Baldwin and the individuals whom were majorly involved in his life, this film preforms a grand justice in promoting the story of this great novelist and his defiance of negative cultural norms through his books, essays, and stories.
There have been many cases of social injustice on a number of occasions in the expansive history of the United States. The oppressions of the early movements for women’s suffrage and the relocation and encampment of Native Americans are two of many occurrences. Around the middle of the 20th century, a movement for equality and civil liberties for African Americans among citizens began. In this essay, Notes of a Native son James Baldwin, a black man living in this time, recalls experiences from within the heart of said movement. Baldwin conveys a sense of immediacy throughout his passage by making his writing approachable and estimating an enormous amount of ethos.
Narrative is a form of writing used by writers to convey their experiences to an audience. James Baldwin is a renowned author for bringing his experience to literature. He grew up Harlem in the 1940’s and 1950’s, a crucial point in history for America due to the escalading conflict between people of different races marked by the race riots of Harlem and Detroit. This environment that Baldwin grew up in inspires and influences him to write the narrative “Notes of a Native Son,” which is based on his experience with racism and the Jim-Crow Laws. The narrative is about his father and his influence on Baldwin’s life, which he analyzes and compares to his own experiences. When Baldwin comes into
The essay “Notes of a Native Son” takes place at a very volatile time in history. The story was written during a time of hate and discrimination toward African Americans in the United States. James Baldwin, the author of this work is African American himself. His writing, along with his thoughts and ideas were greatly influenced by the events happening at the time. At the beginning of the essay, Baldwin makes a point to mention that it was the summer of 1943 and that race riots were occurring in Detroit. The story itself takes place in Harlem, a predominantly black area experiencing much of the hatred and inequalities that many African-Americans were facing throughout the country. This marks the beginning of a
James Baldwin’s “Notes of a Native Son” interweaves his own racial experiences with the ongoing chaos and claustrophobia in Harlem. Following the death of his father, a man “eaten up by paranoia,” the author embarks on an introspective journey, realizing how his identity is shaped by both the traits he inherits from his father and the experiences he has with racist attitudes and violence. Baldwin’s prose is as complex as the concepts he deals with, as he comes to the conclusion that hatred is a choice, not a fact of life.
even though it is a serious problem. I can see all the help that's being put into fixing
Furthermore, Baldwin eventually started attending school at P.S. 24 (Public School 24) where he already felt stagnate about the teachers. Baldwin also attended Frederick Douglass Junior High where he met Countee Cullen, a French poet, who taught at the school. James Baldwin grew up in a religious family and at a young he found religion as a refuge. “Baldwin retreated into Christianity at the age of 14 and became a youth minister at the Fireside Pentecostal Assembly” (Bader 9). Factors from his emotional, physical, and sexual caused him to find that refuge. James Baldwin eventually attended De Witt Clinton High School, which started to get rid of his religious tendencies.
People need to see any problem for what it essentially is and then to examine and put into play solutions for whatever
Our class information and materials completely support and enrich this field experience. I know one thing for sure is I am going to start my classroom management plan right now ~ starting with behavioral management!
In James Baldwin’s “Autobiographical Notes” you can tell that in his life he has experienced many things whether it be good or bad. Being born in Harlem, New York in 1924 you’d expect him to go through a lot from the time he was brought into the world; especially being black in those times. He is often found to be rather pessimistic at times and would go on to talk about the things he doesn’t like in the world. James Baldwin, in his notes goes on to list a number of things he doesn’t like, “I do not like bohemia, or bohemians, I do not like people whose principal aim is pleasure, and I do not like people who are earnest about anything. I don't like people who like me because I'm a Negro; neither do I like people who find in the same accident grounds for contempt.” As a pessimist it’s
West Chester University’s ongoing attempts to meet the needs of the student body’s various demographics are commendable, but some areas and services should be granted priority due to their more numerous natures’ and relatively minimal cost. Some of the ones being readily addressed are the constraints of and accessibility to various academic buildings on West Chester’s campus. These include but are not limited to: