
What Is Cultural Oppression?

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Cultural invasion is another tool that is used by those in power as a means of control. This powerful tool of manipulation is meant to skillfully influence, and keep those who are oppressed in line. By making the oppressed feel inferior - invaders are able to manipulate their ideas about culture, and the world. By prohibiting originality and self-individuality they are able to form a oneness with their invaders. The process of cultural invasion is a formality because the basic ideas of oppression have already been set in place from prior generations. These basic element of control depend on an uneducated society who are in despair, and feel that this is their only way of achieving freedom. The oppressed are led to believe that in order for the culture to survive- key facts must be set in place. Invaders preach a false sense of a revolution. They pray on the oppressed by making them believe that they will be the ones to change every aspect of civilization. These groups of people are usually made up of a dominating class of individuals who are educated and have knowledge in …show more content…

When a skillful invader is able to accomplish his goal of dominating an entire society, he will have transformed a village of followers into obedient objects. Invaders feed facts and ideologies that the culture will follow. The oppressed learn to believe that their invader is superior in education, in thought and feeling about the world around them. They are taught to believe that if the entire group of people feel this way then this must be the right way to be. By pooling the information everyone in the culture will benefit. The goal of the invader is to preserve the ideas of the group. This type of oppression is only one form of slavery. By incarcerating the mind and poisoning individualistic passion, cultural ideas are set in motion. Self-worth and individuality are

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