
What Is A Stroke, What Causes It And First Aid? Essay

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What Is a Stroke, What Causes It and First Aid
By Gianluca Fontana | Submitted On January 30, 2015

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Expert Author Gianluca Fontana
I lost already one person due to a stroke, and considering that only in the US one person dies of stroke every 4 minutes, by the time I will finish writing this post unfortunately several more people will have died. The reason why I decided to write this post is to help other people recognize the early symptoms of strokes and giving them a chance to call for help in a timely manner. Even a few minutes can greatly increase the chances of survival, so if you know somebody with high risk for a stroke please read carefully.

Let 's start by answering to the question: what is a stroke?

It is defined as an interruption or reduction of the blood supply to the brain. This, deprives the brain cells with nutrients and oxygen. Considering that brain cells are high oxygen and nutrients consumers, they can 't withstand long deprivation of blood supply with consequent cell death. This is a horrible way to die because as we will discuss later it can be very painful and even when people survive to a stroke they can be disabled for the

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