
Warm Fuzzy Creative Writing

Decent Essays

I really enjoyed writing this piece because the more time I spent working on it, the better I knew the piece would turn out and I plan on giving it to my sister after I am done and want it to be the best it can be. I was originally planning on it to be a birthday gift or a gift for when I leave for college, but both of these dates are not for awhile and I want to give it to her sooner than later. I decided that I am just going to give it to her when I am finished because there is no harm in giving it to her on a random day.
I really wanted to write something about my sister because we have a very good relationship, but the idea of it being a letter to her came to me later. I got the idea of a from a friend who was telling me about how they had a writing workshop piece that was a letter to their older sister as she was leaving for college. The letter aspect was also inspired by a CROYA thing called a Warm Fuzzy. A Warm Fuzzy is essentially a positive letter to someone you are close with. Although I did not write this in the form of a typical Warm Fuzzy, on a piece of colored printed paper folded up, I would still consider this a Warm Fuzzy. …show more content…

In the beginning, my writing workshop was in two parts. The first part was a narrative where I was just telling a story about my sister and then commenting on that story and telling how that story made her personality. The second part was the actual letter aspect of the story where I gave the advice. There was a very slight connection between the two parts of the topic of my sister but that was it. I knew I had to connect the two parts better so that was one of my main questions when I conferenced with others and you. All the feedback that I got was that I should integrate the stories into the letter so that is what I went ahead in

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