Charlie Victor Romeo, cockpit voice recorder, is a modern theatrical documentary derived entirely from the Black Box transcripts of six notable concrete airline emergencies. In this engaging and intensifying documentary, Charlie Victor Romeo positions the audience into perspective of being inside a tension-filled cockpits of authentic flights in distress, which proposes an intriguing representation of the sensibility in a mid-life crisis and a person’s life at jeopardy. The six transcript samples of previous voice recordings came from various air flights and incidents such as flights American 1572, American Eagle 4184, Aeroperu 603, USAF Yukla 27, Japan Air 123, and United 232. The film primarily portrays a significant purpose of entertainment and political motives, but also highlights the issue with aviation safety and the usage of air tragedies to depict it along with the considerate lack of communication and organization established. Thus, to establish an epidemic, catastrophic disasters must occur to generate great awareness for the issue, so for a similar disaster to not transpire again. The play opens with a flight attendant demonstrating the airplane precautions, safety procedures and reminding passengers to fasten their seat belts and to turn off all cellular devices. Before each new airline scene played, the film displays the name of the flight, location of trying to land, and number of passengers and crew members that were on the flight. To present danger within
On the morning of September 11, 2001 millions of people were in shock the moment they received news that the World Trade Center was hit. The images from this horrific day flooded the media’s television screens and newspaper articles. Perhaps the most gruesome images shown were those of people jumping out of the building as they were collapsing. Tom Junod, a writer for the Esquire magazine, illustrates his perspective of this shocking incident through pictures, media coverage, and depicting people’s reactions in his article The Falling Man. Tom Junod’s article should be read by anyone who believes they have felt all there is to feel from the 9/11 attack. He will prove otherwise that there is indeed still much emotion to
Exposition: Brian Robeson, a thirteen-year old from New York, takes an aircraft that’s heading to the Canadian Woods so that he can visit his father. The pilot of the plane teaches brian to fly, but begis to have increasing pain in his stomach. At first, it doesn’t seem serious, but the pilot begins jerking in his seat, a clear sign of a heart attack. The pilot dies due to the attack, and Brian is forced to man the aircraft.
The visual imagery I chose was, ¨The seat belt sign flickered it’s vibrant colors off, creating a swarm of people to emerge from their seats. Unfamiliar faces hustled their things and rushed out, as if their life depended on it¨ (5). This is effective because coveny´s the way I viewed the whole experience when the plane landed in Bulgaria.
When U.S. Airways Fight 1549 recently went down in the Hudson River, it was big news, as well it should have been. However, like many other major news stories over the past 25+ years, reports of the downed jetliner and the successful rescue of its passengers dominated the news in such way that little else was covered over a period of several days.
Do benevolent spirits sometimes appear to guide and protect earthly loved ones? Do angry entities, wrongly deprived of life, and trapped between astral planes, sometimes return to torment the living? Dare to know the unknowable in this chilling story of a troubled airline, an air-crash investigation and an aviation family torn apart by tragedy. For pilots, flight attendants, and the flying public world-wide, the very notion of a commercial jet being damaged on purpose seems inconceivable. However, after a highly-suspicious crash-landing of an aging 737-400 occurs, ghostly messages from beyond-the-grave begin to reveal a ruthless and sinister conspiracy where men only concerned about profits and the corporate bottom line will do anything to protect their assets, even at the expense of innocent passengers and flight-crews.
March 3, 1974 a catastrophe occurred outside of Paris. Turkish Airlines flight 981 out of Paris experienced a chain reaction of unfortunate events, that lead to the eventual crash of the plane, and the complete fatality of every passenger on board the plane. The DC-10 aircraft, designed by the plane company McDonnell-Douglas, crashed in a forest 10 minutes after taking off from Paris. People who have analyzed this accident, have looked into what caused this plane to crash and take the life of all 346 passengers on board? Among the analysts are three different types of accident theories that try to explain why the plane crashed and how the crash could have been avoided and spared the life of hundreds.
“Hello Passengahs, welcome aboard American Airline flight 11 this is your pilot John Ognowski. Weah about 30,000 feet above Bahston right now, it should be a pretty quiet trip to Los Angeles, are estimated travel time is around 6 hours and 45 minutes. See ya in a bit.” I got off the intercom and asked how I sounded to my Co-Pilot Thomas McGuiness, also from the Boston Area, who grew up a southie. McGuiness, who startled me with his glasses gleaming, bright as heavens sky said, “Coulda been better.” I could tell he was a bit disgruntled. It was a fairly chilly, yet sunny day in mid-September. The aroma of fall was pungent from the fresh falling leaves. We were flying the 1989 Boeing 767 at 58 percent into the clear blue sky of North America.
On September 11th, 2001, an unexpected event happened in various parts of the country. Two planes flew into the World Trade Center’s towers, another hit the Pentagram near Washington D.C., and a final one in Pennsylvania. None of the passengers on any of those planes anticipated the crash. Although, on the other hand, the pilots of the planes did. The attacks were unexpected since, to quote Forrest Gump, “In life, you never know what you’re going to get.”
After months of rehearsal and preparing, it’s time for the play. My first optimistic view comes on the ship, where everyone is worrying about drowning, though Gonzalo believes there is a different fate in store for everyone.
More than a decade ago, a tragic and one of the saddest incidents in our history occurred on U.S soil. On September 11, 2001 the United States were attacked by a group of terrorist who were able to infiltrate our security system from all angles. It was a very tragic event for the U.S, when terrorist attacked two landmarks in New York City, a densely populated area. Although this terrorist attack was very unfortunate, it was also the largest infiltration of the United States Aviation system through multiple breaches of aviation security. Immediately after the attack many changes were made to aircrafts and the airport system.
I felt the eye of judgment piercing through me as I entered the plane. I could hear people whispering and giggling. While scanning the rows to find my assigned seat, I could see the looks of concern from those who thought I might sit by them. The clicking sounds of seat belt buckles almost sent me into a panic. I was dreading asking the flight attendant for a lap belt extension, or worse, having it offered without asking. Words were not necessary to feel the intensity of mass criticism. To make matters worse, it was a hot day, and my clothes were sticking to my body, outlining my multiple layers of over-indulgence. I was overheating and could taste salty beads of sweat trickling down my face.
The word ‘flight’ was terrifying. Hearing the word was like getting the worn scars on my delicate heart reopened and negligently stabbed over and over again. It made me involuntarily panic, for ‘flight’ reminded me of a monster worse than the one under the bed that I had concerning night terrors about as a toddler - a monster disguised as my abusive, bipolar, and alcoholic father who traumatized my childhood.
This is chaos, a catastrophe. A commercial airliner has smashed into the side of the north tower of the World Trade Centre, right below me, for reasons unknown. I’m standing here. Right by the window, simply screaming, screaming and shouting; desperately hoping for another chance at life. Below me they’re running; they don’t see me. I’m an insignificant life, hanging out of this window, desperately begging for someone to save me. I’ll never stop. I’ll never give up. I’m a fighter, ready to keep fighting, fighting for my life.
What was there to do on a plane for a day? The only thing that could be done was watching movies. A male flight attendant then walked down the aisle, approaching towards me, and asked, “Mr Smith, is there anything you need?” I gulped, confused at first. “Mr Who?” I responded back, only to received another confused look from the male flight attendant. I then realised who he was talking to and laughed it off and replied “Could you please give me a blanket and a pillow, please? Thank you” Not long after, I comfortably sat in my business class seat and immediately chose the “V for Vendetta” movie, as it was my all time favourite. Half way during the movie, I came to a realisation how the protagonist was wearing a mask, the Guy Fawkes Mask, it was funny how his insecurity of his face, made him cover his identity. Why does he not reveal himself, and become the face of a protest which could potentially lead to new discoveries and perspectives of world's. Drifting further into reverie, I closed my eyes and imagined myself standing on the middle of the
Even though, we are slowly but surely putting an end to terrorism in the United States because in the story by Phil Klay "Redeployment"; he uses vulgar language to get his points across. In Sherman Alexie's story "Flight Patterns”, he shows us in his story that everyone is not bad just because they are a different race. Each story allows you to visualize different points of views such as terrorism and can led you back to post 9-11 and how the world was spilt apart.