
Descriptive Essay On Pitter Patter

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Pitter patter. Pitter patter. Little droplets of water consumed everyone in its path. People fleeing from all directions, up and down, left to right on narrow pathways to find shelter. Soon after, the light ‘pitter patter’ of rain turned into wet thuds as the icy water raced to meet the ground. It was a torrential downpour. I sat patiently in my business-class seat, inattentively flicking through the flight magazin, waiting for departure. Occasionally, my gaze would capture worried eyes of other passengers, turning from left to right, backwards and forward. Why were they worried? Ignoring the worried atmosphere surrounding me, I switched focus to the flight attendants conducting the same safety brief, in which I observe too often. Robotically and unenthusiastically they explained the use of an oxygen mask in an event of a …show more content…

What was there to do on a plane for a day? The only thing that could be done was watching movies. A male flight attendant then walked down the aisle, approaching towards me, and asked, “Mr Smith, is there anything you need?” I gulped, confused at first. “Mr Who?” I responded back, only to received another confused look from the male flight attendant. I then realised who he was talking to and laughed it off and replied “Could you please give me a blanket and a pillow, please? Thank you” Not long after, I comfortably sat in my business class seat and immediately chose the “V for Vendetta” movie, as it was my all time favourite. Half way during the movie, I came to a realisation how the protagonist was wearing a mask, the Guy Fawkes Mask, it was funny how his insecurity of his face, made him cover his identity. Why does he not reveal himself, and become the face of a protest which could potentially lead to new discoveries and perspectives of world's. Drifting further into reverie, I closed my eyes and imagined myself standing on the middle of the

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