“Hello Passengahs, welcome aboard American Airline flight 11 this is your pilot John Ognowski. Weah about 30,000 feet above Bahston right now, it should be a pretty quiet trip to Los Angeles, are estimated travel time is around 6 hours and 45 minutes. See ya in a bit.” I got off the intercom and asked how I sounded to my Co-Pilot Thomas McGuiness, also from the Boston Area, who grew up a southie. McGuiness, who startled me with his glasses gleaming, bright as heavens sky said, “Coulda been better.” I could tell he was a bit disgruntled. It was a fairly chilly, yet sunny day in mid-September. The aroma of fall was pungent from the fresh falling leaves. We were flying the 1989 Boeing 767 at 58 percent into the clear blue sky of North America. …show more content…
I’m gonna splatter your brains all over this plane.” I jumped. Nervously, I went back to trying to block the door leaving the plane unattended, but it was too late. A man and his partner leaped. The 5 second struggle felt like hours. They managed to subdue us, unable to get away, we surrendered. As a means of torture, they tied our hands together before cutting colossal gashes in our stomachs with box cutters, spilling our guts onto the cockpit floor. A man, his partner called Mohammad snarled at us in his Arabian accent, “This is going to be the end for your little American country yous crackers.” His chuckle sickened me. He continued, “Your kids are going to remember this day for the rest of their lives, Bapa in charge of the worst attack on American soil since 1941.” He chuckled again. I puked. Fading in and out of consciousness I managed to murmur a, “Fuck you.” He sliced my head with the box cutter, leaving blood pouring onto my face staining just above my left eye. I tried to fight back, but I couldn’t muster the …show more content…
I knew this would be the end. Mohammad turned to his partner and exclaimed, “Allah will be broud, I know it. We shall bray before our final strike.” His partner whom he called Omari exclaimed, “Naghham, meaning yes, Osama shall be very happy with our deeds.” He turned the plane to the southeast heading directly toward New York City. Right then, I knew this is what I feared the most, an attack by Al-
As I followed the other firefighters, captain said, "No Kennedy, you have to stay here." At first, I was enraged at him for saying that to me, but if he didn't make me stay, I would've died that day. All 87 of the NYFD firefighters went inside that building, and never came out. Who would be so cruel to do this, I thought. Suddenly, the news reporters stated, "4 planes have been hijacked by Arabs, and they have been planning to crash them into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and The White House.
It was a clear Tuesday morning; September 11, 2001, nineteen Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations boarded four fully fueled American airliners. These airliners were set to depart to cities in California. Little did the staff for each of the planes or the people boarding them know that plans had changed. Within the space of an hour, al Qaeda
On September 11, 2001 Terrorist assaulted America. Four planes were high-jacked and two of them were flown into the World Trade Center towers in NYC and another into the Pentagon in Washington. The fourth plane smashed in Pennsylvania before it achieved its objective in Washington DC. Inside two hours, both of the twin towers had fell. A segment of the Pentagon was extremely harmed. More than 3,000 individuals passed on in the assaults. Days after the fact the offenders of this annihilation were recognized as individuals from Al Qaeda, an Islamic fear monger amass situated in Afghanistan yet with cells all through the world. The high-jackers had worked out of Al Qaeda cells working in the US. Nobody knew whether more fear monger assaults were
In the 12 years since the terrorist attacks on the world trade towers in New York city, thousands of hours of research and interviews has been conducted, scores of books have been written, and countless documentaries and films have been produced in an effort to help us understand how and why terrorists were able to carry out the massacre of nearly 3500 people. Despite the plethora of religious and nonreligious beliefs represented by the friends and family of those who died, one universal belief binds them all: the belief that an unspeakable act of cruelty has changed our nation and our people for all time. The name ascribed to this act of terrorism is debated widely. Some call it evil. Others call it nothing more than supreme cruelty.
Terrorist attacks have increased over the last twenty years, but one of the most remembered is the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City. It happened on September 11, 2001; and is commonly referred to as 9/11. Americans grow up learning details about 9/11; but rarely do we learn about a personal experience. In Adam Mayblum’s email “The Price We Pay,” he tells the story of what happened to him, and others around him on the day of September 11, 2001. Mayblum explains in paragraph ten “If you want to kill us, leave us alone because we will do it by ourselves. If you want to make us stronger, attack and we unite.” He made an excellent point with that statement, because he is right. He provides us with imagery, thoughts on terrorism, and strong use of emotions throughout the story that brings us a very well written narrative.
On September 11, 2015 the greatest act of terror known was committed at the World Trade Center, as well as the Pentagon. The terrorist group known as al-Quaeda coordinated an attack by hijacking U.S. commercial flights and sending two planes into the World Trade Center and another into the Pentagon. Luckily, a fourth flight was retaken by the passengers and could not reach its target, yet sadly it crashed in a Pennsylvanian valley. This event broke the hearts of American citizens and citizens worldwide, and the actions coming after wards would have a huge impact on America.
A plane, American Airlines Route 11, with 92 passengers on board, was hijacked by four Arab men with knives, led by Mohammed Atta. On the ground heard the air traffic controller them say, "Do not something stupid. There will not be put to any. We have other planes. "
During the initial introduction many of the people recalled how beautiful the day started, the sky was blue, clear and perfect. However, as soon as people realized that an airplane had flown
When Carol told one of her friends she would be flying to Italy on September 11, 2017, her friend said, “Oh my gosh, you don’t want to fly on that day.” Many people remember that day and still think about it now, “it just doesn’t leave us.” “That seemed to be the start of terrorism in The United States.”
Today was the day we were heading back from Hell. It has been an amazing five days with, Kevin, Corrie, Fi, Lee, Robyn and Homer. I was the only one who was allowed to drive the Landie. It was Dad’s orders and I followed them. It was really weird on the last night of our camp there were these low flying planes with no lights on. They were flying so low that we could see the marks on them. The marks weren’t ours. By the time I’d finished writing that down it was time to go. We’d finished packing that Landie and started to head off. I had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right about those planes I just couldn’t put my finger on it. We were home before I knew it. Something was wrong the dogs weren’t barking. When we came
Dark drops of high explosive wrapped in iron are rolled across cracked concrete and linked steel plates and carefully tucked into the belly of each airplane by an intelligent swarm. Each member doing a job he knows is dangerous but exhausted enough to no longer work with complete care. You ride in the back of a truck clothed in shearling and hop out next to your plane. A normal person can only experience so much terror until they go numb or just check out entirely.
Theme: Emily St. John Mandel, in her novel Station Eleven, uses the literary technique of space imagery to argue that escapism is an immortal practice that is always a choice when facing reality, regardless of how positive or negative that reality is. In Station Eleven space imagery is prevalent, and Emily St. John Mandel uses it to showcase that that act of escaping reality is an immortal practice. In the book there is many a mention to a particular quote form the hit series Star Trek: Voyager. The Symphony is trudging along a vast, sweltering terrain when a topic over a particular episode is broached.
The attackers were Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia and several other Arab nations. Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda terrorist organization were allegedly acting the U.S. in retaliation for their support of Israel, their involvement in the Persian Gulf War and their military presence in the Middle East. Some of the terrorists lived in the United States for more than a year and had taken flying lessons at American flight schools. The others had snuck into the country in the months before September 11th and were considered the “muscle” in the operation. They smuggled box-cutters and knives through the loose security at three East Coast airports and boarded four different airliners bound for California, they chose these flights because they were filled with jet fuel for the long flight across the country. After takeoff, they raided the cockpit of the planes and took control, doing this turned the normal passenger jets into huge missiles.
The world has been changed forever since the tragic attack on September 11, 2001. An observer described the atrocity by saying, "It just went 'bam,' like a bomb went off. It was like holy hell (CNN 1). " The new world will be different from what any American has known before. A new war has arisen, not against a foreign country or a major region of the world, but rather against a select group of people who have the capabilities to destroy the lives of so many. The war against terrorism which the United States is now forced to wage will not be an easily won battle. This war will not be fought solely on scattered battlefields in certain countries. It will instead permeate through every aspect of life as we