
Violent Video Games

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Since the first iteration of the Nintendo game console, video games have become integral part of our entertainment experience. In the last 20 years the improvements in video technology has only bolstered the appeal of video games, making them one of the top forms of entertainment for all ages and genders. The amount of people playing video games continues to rise at an alarming rate. Video games are a great way to alleviate stress, they allow you to relax, escape from reality and just decompress from life.
Violent video games desensitize players, glorify violence, smoking, drinking, illicit drug abuse, and perpetuate violence toward women. Another concern is that they promote a gangster lifestyle in society. Violent video games play to our more carnal behaviors, while allowing us to engage in immoral and unethical experiences in a virtual world. Video game creators argue that responsibility falls on the consumer and their ability to choose whether or not to purchase violent video games. The creators are faced with a dilemma regarding the questionable game simulations and the ethical responsibility they have as producers, and the possible impact these games may or may not have on their audience. Using Reynolds’ Seven-Step Ethical Decision-Making Approach I will attempt to come to an ethically balanced conclusion.
The Facts
Playing video games may increase aggressive behavior if violent acts are continually repeated during video game play. Repetition is an effective

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