
Violent Video Games

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How does violence in video games affect people? Sometimes people think about video games and think oh no big deal but there is a lot that goes into them and they can have different effects on people. Violent video games have the most effect on people and most of them are negative. Educational games tend to have the best effect on people and can help them. Many people argue both sides and do not see them for what they are and think my kids won’t be affected but they will as more articles state and discuss these issues. Violent video games can lead to many different things such as, Gun violence, violence, and aggression. Gun violence is a bad thing and these games promote guns in many different ways and has different effects. Violence is …show more content…

When kids watch educational shows that do not have violence they tend to have good qualities. They also won’t lead themselves into gun violence. Nonviolent shows have the best effect on kids. It shows that kids who played violent video games ended up leading to gun violence. The educational shows will help them grow and explore more nonviolent ideas and they won’t even think about gun violence. Continuing the issue of gun violence and how violent video games affect people. In the article “Video games and shooting: Is the NRA right?” Mark states”the National Rifle Association blamed the entertainment industry - specifically the producers of violent video games for inciting what has become a pattern of gun violence in the United States.” Even the NRA has came up with the conclusion that violent video games lead to gun violence. That is again another effect these games have on people. These games promote gun violence because in these violent video games shooting is all these games are about. Also they kill people and can get graphic about how they are killed which puts images in there head. In the article “Should It Be Illegal for Kids to Buy Violent Video Games? YES, Timothy states “What we are talking about is a video game where the child is able to: Shoot a man, pour gasoline over his wounded body, set the man on fire, and listen to him scream in agony as he burns to death.” This is very important

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