When I hear ethics, I think of a list of rules to follow. However, ethics is more than a list of rules to follow. Code of Ethics is a standard that guides how professionals should practice within the job setting. It prevents professionals from crossing certain boundaries. The American Counseling Association provides standards for counselors, educators, supervisors, and students to practice. The standards cover technology, social media, client-therapy relationships, etc. There are many challenges we face as professionals. I am going to discuss situations that would violate ethical standards. A counselor engages with clients on social media. A counselor engaging with clients on social media can blur the line between professional and personal …show more content…
It is violating confidentiality. Counselors should not provide details unless it is necessary or giving permission by the child. The counselor may ask the child what information they would like for their parents to know. Client extends an invitation to the counselor to attend a function outside of therapy. If it does not benefit the client, the counselor should decline. If the counselor does attend the function, the counselor should document everything such as reasons for attending and pros and cons for attending the function. A counselor not properly treating a client because they did not understand the client’s diverse background. A counselor who is socially insensitive can cause misunderstanding or misdiagnose a client. Providing clients access to their records. Counselors should provide support to the client when reviewing their records. Counselors should help the client understand the information that is on their records. A client tells the counselor that they will cause harm to themselves and others, but the counselor doesn’t disclose the information to anyone. Counselors have a duty to protect and disclose any information that will cause the client to harm themselves and
Clients have the right to confidentiality. Counselors cannot share information about clients without shared consent. Counselors throughout treatment process must inform clients when confidentiality can be breached (Mears, G., 2010). If a counselors foresee that a client is a danger to himself or others confidentiality must be broken.
and code B.2.a. Code B.1.c states that counselors should respect confidentiality. If the counselor approaches Johnny then she would be breeching confidentiality and would be letting other people know that he is attending counseling. Code B.2.a. gives exceptions for confidentiality including serious and foreseeable harm and legal requirements (American Counseling Association, 2014).
Breaking confidentiality is a serious ethical component in counseling and must be considered very carefully before doing so. Each state has laws regarding the disclosure of confidentiality whether it to the courts, the clients, relatives, lawyers, schools, or other unbiased parties (Corey et al., 2015). It is very important that the therapist is aware of the laws in regards to disclosure of confidentiality in the state in which they practice to ensure that they are practicing in an ethical manner and to avoid any legal
In this step, it is extremely important for the counselor to see if the situation that the client is facing contains ethics. The counselor must be able to gather all the required information and get more understanding about the problem the client is facing. This can only done by strengthening the relationship with the client, if the client is able to trust you, he/she would be willing to tell you what they are facing. After the client is done describing the problem that they are facing, the counselor
A counselor must have concern, is a good listener and remain objective to the client. The code of ethics is a valid professional regulation tool to rely on as a young inspiring professional counselor and looking forward to the challenge. As a counselor we must stay informed with updated polices to changes to best support our supervisor other professionals and
I need to stay very professional at all times and make sure I do not use my personal values towards my clients. I also need to make sure my attitude does not affect my client. When working within community and private mental health system, I need to be the helper and help my clients. They come to get help not to be judged or to be told what to do. The counselor disposition will help me incorporated in my session by being aware of my own biases and making sure I do not use them towards my clients. The counselor disposition is a backup procedure I can reflex if I have a concern with a client and how to stay professional at all times. I will also build rapport with clients so they can feel comfortable and trusted. They will be able to open up without being judged or disrespected. I will make sure I give them my full attention and work as a team. The key to have better outcomes is to have empathy towards and client and be present at all times so they can feel they have a caring
Counselors are obligated by ethical and legal laws the duty to warn. This can vary in different states but may include the knowledge of abuse,
The counselor will ask questions to clarify and summarize the family’s concerns. I will answer any questions and address any concerns raised by the family about the therapy process. I will also assist in laying down parental authority and a sense of impartiality among the children. This will reinstate equilibrium in the family and motivate all members to participate in the therapy.
The counselor assists the client with an assessment to motivate to a better future. Phase three would be the action plan of the analysis grid. The counselor assists the client in committing to specific goals and strategies to achieve such goals (Eagan, 2013). Motivation and obedience in the production of change for the
However, it is not always that simple and there may be some instances when it is not possible to maintain total confidentiality and the counsellor my have to pass on certain information that was revealed. For example, if a crime has been committed or if there is a risk of harm to another person. In this case the counsellor must be clear with the client what information they may have to pass on and to whom.
The nature of therapist-client relationship and understanding the therapist’s role is vital in making sure that the client’s rights are not jeopardized. The client must be willing to trust the therapist. The therapist can earn the trust of the client will confidentiality guidelines that are established by requiring informed consent. The therapist-client relationship is based on counseling approach as well as relationship with the client. The therapist’s role is to understand the client’s needs, help them get their needs met mentally, and to develop the proper plan that fits the client’s needs. The therapist must fully
Jessica is a minor and her parents are stake holders in her well-being. Drug abuse is a major clinical and life issue and her parents deserve to be informed. Having said that, the counselor should discuss it with Jessica first and sensitively deal with her inevitable resistance. The counselor should inform her of her duty to take the parents into confidence and draw her attention to the limits of confidentiality and also the informed consent process that she must have gone through at the beginning of the therapy.
Instead, the counsellor’s role is to provide an atmosphere in which the client, through the exploration of her situation, comes to see herself and her reactions more clearly and accept her attitudes more fully.
His opinion was that a counselor should function primarily as a teacher and model for the client. That they should have a health relationship in which both counselor and client are on equal grounds. The counselors job, according to Adler, was to learn why clients think and behave the way they do; by gathering information about the clients family and their early memories. Then the counselor should share his or her interpretation of the client and try to build a restorative relationship.
In order for the counseling process to be effective for the client the characteristics and behaviors of the mental health counselor must be effective. To be an effective mental health counselor the process must include both the art and science of helping clients when they struggle. This paper will address both effective and ineffective characteristics of the given transcript along with an explanation of how a counselor’s characteristics or behaviors influence a session with a client.