
Essay Characteristics and Behaviors of Effective Counseling

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Characteristics and Behaviors of Effective Counseling

Characteristics and Behaviors of Effective Counseling In order for the counseling process to be effective for the client the characteristics and behaviors of the mental health counselor must be effective. To be an effective mental health counselor the process must include both the art and science of helping clients when they struggle. This paper will address both effective and ineffective characteristics of the given transcript along with an explanation of how a counselor’s characteristics or behaviors influence a session with a client.
Effective Characteristics This How a client perceives a counselor is very important in how they effective they feel they …show more content…

Reflecting with the client during a session is very important to make sure the counselor and client is both on the same thought.

Characteristic Two The second statement of the counselor that was a good characteristic was when he stated “Great. That is a good start. Let’s talk some more about where that frustration comes from.” (Laureate Education, Inc., 2012). The counselor used an open-ended question to allow the client to give an answer with a more elaborate answer than just yes or no. Also the counselor was supportive of the client’s choice to focus on himself at this point in his counseling. According to Cooper (2010) “open questions will allow for a more meaningful response and give more control to the client.” If a client is guarded in their responses open-ended questions will allow them to disclose what they feel comfortable disclosing without them feeling so pressured to give information.
Ineffective Characteristics Effective skills will help to improve the relationship between the counselor and the client. When these skills are ignored or not used the relationship will suffer. According to Healing Path Counseling (2013) some ineffective characteristics for communication include giving minimal responses, going blank, and being indirect. In order to overcome being ineffective a professional

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