
Using Technology Into Your Classroom

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Creating a WebQuest
In many classrooms today, the use of technology is becoming more popular in the classrooms. Many teachers are incorporating the use of technology into their lessons and methods of teaching. One way to introduce technology into your classroom is to create a WebQuest.
What is a WebQuest you may ask? Well, a WebQuest is an inquiry-base lesson format where students take information they are given and create new information to make meaningful projects that they can present in different ways. In other words, students go on a quest using the web to find answers to the questions given or complete a task, learning more on the subject while doing so.
Why use a WebQuest
A WebQuest is an interactive way to get students involved in the lesson, promotes higher level thinking, and gets students more familiar with different aspects of the Internet. So, whether you are an education student new to the topic or an experienced teacher educator looking for new methods involving technology, learning how to make a WebQuest is a useful tool to have.
A few tips before beginning.
1. Become familiar with resources available online.

2. Find topics that fit within the curriculum and which there are materials online. It makes sense to choose a project that couldn 't be done as well without web access.

3. Choose a template that fits the subject and classroom. Pre-made templates can be found online, or one can be created in Word, Powerpoint, even Excel. Keep in mind of what

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