
Understand Principles to Professional Development Essay

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SCH52: Promote professional development
Unit Ref L/602/2578
1. Understand principles of professional development
1.3 Compare the use of different sources and systems of support for professional development

There are many types of systems and support formats for professional development. A thorough induction from the beginning of employment or placement can highlight possible future training requirements and the staff handbook with policies and procedures can be issued. Once an induction is completed the member of staff will have several sit down meetings during the 90 day trial period, this will allow time to organise any gaps in training, allow the staff member/ volunteer or student to familiarise themselves with the routine and …show more content…

When key workers are assigned learning journeys these are moderated to ensure that learning journeys are up to date and of a high standard. This highlights any issues with training which may be required to support the staff member in effective recording, appropriate planning and next steps. Audits and moderating ensure best practice is being maintained as well as supporting the development of the staff member.

Staff observations are also a useful system to monitor staff and student practices; once the observation of the worker is complete a discussion between the worker and observer takes place. We reflect upon their interactions with the child/children as well as the child/children’s interactions with them, the effectiveness of the play, resources or activity and constructive feedback is given, with points to consider and improvements to work on if necessary.

Being assigned a mentor is useful method of training. I often mentor students on placement from our local college; this involves giving opportunity to further their practical knowledge and skills, giving guidance on how to approach certain activities, understanding the role of a play worker, as well as signing off attendance and

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