SCH52: Promote professional development
Unit Ref L/602/2578
1. Understand principles of professional development
1.3 Compare the use of different sources and systems of support for professional development
There are many types of systems and support formats for professional development. A thorough induction from the beginning of employment or placement can highlight possible future training requirements and the staff handbook with policies and procedures can be issued. Once an induction is completed the member of staff will have several sit down meetings during the 90 day trial period, this will allow time to organise any gaps in training, allow the staff member/ volunteer or student to familiarise themselves with the routine and
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When key workers are assigned learning journeys these are moderated to ensure that learning journeys are up to date and of a high standard. This highlights any issues with training which may be required to support the staff member in effective recording, appropriate planning and next steps. Audits and moderating ensure best practice is being maintained as well as supporting the development of the staff member.
Staff observations are also a useful system to monitor staff and student practices; once the observation of the worker is complete a discussion between the worker and observer takes place. We reflect upon their interactions with the child/children as well as the child/children’s interactions with them, the effectiveness of the play, resources or activity and constructive feedback is given, with points to consider and improvements to work on if necessary.
Being assigned a mentor is useful method of training. I often mentor students on placement from our local college; this involves giving opportunity to further their practical knowledge and skills, giving guidance on how to approach certain activities, understanding the role of a play worker, as well as signing off attendance and
Learning can be the result of many activities which can include formal classes and training sessions, on the job training and mentoring or self-study. Every time we encounter something new, there is an opportunity to learn and improve skills.
In my role it is important to continually improve my knowledge and practices. In health and social care ways of working and legislation as well as good practice are constantly changing. Therefore it is important to keep up to date with training and also any changes in legislation. This will enable me to deliver the best service possible to the tenants I support and also enables me to keep staff upto date with any changes in the way that we work. It also forms part of The codes of practice for social care workers to keep skills and knowledge up to date.
Through induction, each single member of staff learns and understand about the roles and position of the other colleagues. New colleagues can learn from the other team members who are more experienced. I encourage sharing of knowledge and skills by coaching, mentoring and helping less experienced colleagues, so they can become confident and fully capable to handle their practices better.
The purpose of this unit is to assess the learner’s knowledge, understanding and skills required to promote the professional duty to maintain the currency of knowledge and skills and the need to continually reflect on and improve practice.
Professional development is an opportunity to reflect, share common goals, support each other as well as learn from others knowledge, expertise and experience. Regular supervision and training of staff can lead to reduced sickness and absence, it can improve the service that they
1. Briefly explain how the CIPD HR Profession Map defines the HR profession, including the professional areas, the bands and the behaviours.
General Electric has always been a pioneer in technological advancements. In order to succeed in business and be successful GE periodically performs a Need Analysis on areas the company has earmarked for improvement. A Team Concept has been adopted as the most efficient means of exchanging ideas and implementing change. It helps employees develop an understanding of buy in and also allows each to feel important. Inspiring motivation at every level of the company creates an environment of diversity and equal treatment. Leadership, mentorship, and training programs help develop the tools necessary for achieving company goals and tasks. Team B will
The professional development plan for nursing graduates is a program that was started by the government with the aims of creating a smooth transition from the student experience to workplace experience. Despite having learnt several ethical and professional contents, the professional development plan ensures that, all the graduate nurses have a smooth transition that ensures they deliver quality and standard services as expected of them (Gordon & Franklin, 2003). Under the nursing professional plan, the nurses are supposed to bring together personal and professional skills in order to improve the quality of the nursing practice in the country.
Within my role, it is important to continually improve knowledge and practice so I am aware of how to give the best diverse and equal care to children, stay fully up to date with all standards and legislations.
Both these professions expect the same high standards when it comes to education and training. Nursing and Social Work both have requirements for continued professional development and lifelong learning. It is essential that Nurses and Social workers keep a record of their training throughout their careers.
2 . Explain the importance of observing and analysing children’s and young people’s play. Through observing a child, it helps you to understand and be aware of the child’s interests
Professional development is linked to nursing having the ability to provide quality care, achieve personal and professional satisfaction to their client through evidence base practice, and advance their career. The Magnet founders also recognize that nursing is about more than bedside skills and clinical techniques. Higher education can help nurses develop critical thinking and better communication skills, as well as openness to new ideas and new models of care – resulting in the highest possible standard of patient care (Preparing for magnet status: finding a BSN program, 2011).
Professional development is an opportunity to reflect, share common goals, support each other as well as learn from others knowledge, expertise and experience. Regular supervision and training of staff can lead to reduced sickness and absence; it can improve the service that they provide and allow
I am a development professional with a focus on environmental policy and strategic governance, and I believe I have the necessary traits and skills required for this job. I have expertise in policy research and analysis with substantial experience on governance issues around climate change in developing countries, and expertise in providing strategic advice to government, non-government and research agencies. I have experience in managing projects, supervising and managing the work of consultants and ensuring the delivery of quality work. Policy level advocacy, developing relationship with stakeholders and supporting strategic planning has been the key traits of my work. I am a good global team player with excellent communication skills. I have experience in working with some key government agencies in Bangladesh. Due to the nature of my work, I have gathered significant knowledge on the priorities and strategies of many bilateral/multilateral/international agencies. I have worked with a wide array of organisations in the development sector in Bangladesh ranging from grassroots NGOs, INGOs, research
My professional development plan is to grow as a nurse by obtaining knowledge through school and daily life and work experiences. In five to 10 years, I will be able care for patients and their families as a nurse practitioner. Setting short-term and long-term goals will help guide through the journey to transition into the role of professional nursing and provide new opportunities for the future. Beliefs and values influence the decisions or choices people make in their personal and professional lives. My philosophy of nursing incorporates my beliefs and values, which includes being an advocate for patients and