In my role it is important to continually improve my knowledge and practices. In health and social care ways of working and legislation as well as good practice are constantly changing. Therefore it is important to keep up to date with training and also any changes in legislation. This will enable me to deliver the best service possible to the tenants I support and also enables me to keep staff upto date with any changes in the way that we work. It also forms part of The codes of practice for social care workers to keep skills and knowledge up to date.
I believe that I should take responsibility for my own learning and development. I’m always looking for ways to improve my knowledge and aid
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I thrive with the extra responsibility and I feel it is aiding my development.
I also try to take an active role in the referral and assessment process to assist in furthering my knowledge. I have now completed several referral assesments and two of these have resulted in positive placements within my service.
As part of taking an active role in the recruitment process I also complete a one day training room based induction with all new starters. The induction day I devised myself and put a power point presentation together. On this day I cover codes of practice minimum standards professional boundries, Ethos of supported living, Policies and proceedures, Journal and incident writing and also information on The Regard Partnership. The regional director for Wales sat in on my first induction and gave positive feedback on the induction. Also after the induction all staff fill out evaluation forms, All of which have been extremely positive.
As always my line manager is very supportive with my personal development and she sets me goals at supervision and appraisals for me to work towards. My manager also is constantly on the look out for training oppertunites for me to assist in my development.
At my next supervision I am going to request that between us we draw up an action plan to also aid my development. My manager is a great mentor
“The most successful nations in the future will be those which develop high quality, skilled and motivated workforces and make good use of them.” Government White Paper (1994)
The importance of continually providing knowledge and practice is to keep up with the constant changes that are happening all the time. Globalisation and technology have made changes in health and social care at a rapid rate. There has been a significant change in the way that care is being experienced and there are higher expectations in the quality of care. A more personal approach is required and accessibility to training resources ensures that we can all be the best in our job roles and in line with legal requirements. There are opportunities available now, thanks to technology advancements, to share responsibilities across the board, we have better access to other partnerships,
I carry out the supervisions to my team leaders as well as support workers to promote and support an effective communication within their role. I ensure they undertake the relevant training to help them communicate better to lead our company to a success.
As a Health care worker I work in accordance with the Care Standard Act 2000, Codes of Practice and conduct, with the Legal and Organisational requirements, and procedures.
Induction is the first piece of learning a worker undertakes when joining the social care sector or a new organisation. These Common Induction Standards (CIS) have been designed to provide a structured start for workers in the first 12 weeks of employment, which will help ensure that they are then safe to leave alone with responsibility for the people they support. But when workers are expected to perform any tasks that are not covered by the CIS, appropriate training must be provided before the work is undertaken. There are eight standards that the induction should cover these are. Standard 1 Role of the
This essay is to demonstrate that I understand my own roles and responsibilities in lifelong learning.
My Senior - She helps me by answering any concerns I have about work. We have regular supervisions, where we set targets and goals for the coming month and sometimes beyond, these are reviewed at the following supervision.
The purpose of this unit is to assess the learner’s knowledge, understanding and skills required to promote the professional duty to maintain the currency of knowledge and skills and the need to continually reflect on and improve practice.
Applicants – Require a clear induction policy and training plan taking their individual needs into account.
In my current role as Care Supervisor I communicate with a range of individuals such as: service users,
In my positions over the past 14 years, I have proven to be a successful educator, team member, change agent, and leader. I approach every
Within my role, it is important to continually improve knowledge and practice so I am aware of how to give the best diverse and equal care to children, stay fully up to date with all standards and legislations.
Too develop my understanding of how other professionals work, I will focus on IPL group work and listen to others perspectives. During future clinical placements I will try and spend time with other professions and see how they
My responsibility as a care worker is to be aware of the various policies and legislations that will facilitate good practice when supporting my clients to access services and facilities. I am also expected to monitor and evaluate the service provided to ensure it is meeting the needs of the client.
My professional development plan is to grow as a nurse by obtaining knowledge through school and daily life and work experiences. In five to 10 years, I will be able care for patients and their families as a nurse practitioner. Setting short-term and long-term goals will help guide through the journey to transition into the role of professional nursing and provide new opportunities for the future. Beliefs and values influence the decisions or choices people make in their personal and professional lives. My philosophy of nursing incorporates my beliefs and values, which includes being an advocate for patients and