I will be tutoring as part of my community hours. I will be tutoring Vivica since she is having difficulties with her math class in school. Since she was having difficulties I decided to be her tutor and do my best to improve her skills and knowledge so her grade could increase. Linnete is Vivica’s mom. She currently lives in Cleona, PA near the “Big Lots” store. I started doing my community hours on October 19, 2015. The reason of why I decided to tutor Vivica is because Linnete is a single mom of two kids and she doesn’t have too much time to sit and study with Vivica due to work. I wanted to help this family by sharing my math skills, knowledge and my time to help improve Vivica’s education.
My community hours were completed independently.
Our tutoring program is a big success as it pairs NHS members with students who are struggling in certain subject areas. As scholarship is another pillar of NHS, our members take their schoolwork very seriously and they are some of the brightest students in their classes. This tutoring program allows them to give back to our Holmdel High School community by imparting some of their knowledge to struggling students. Their service and time does not go unnoticed as they often have to give up their free time during study hall, lunch, or even after school. One of my fondest memories while being a tutor was when I had to help a younger student study for an Algebra test. I was a bit nervous before our session that I wouldn’t be able to help her understand the subject matter, but we went through her review packet question by question and to my relief I was able to explain the material to her with ease and give her advice on how to solve them, as well as testing tips and strategies that she could use. After our session was over I was glad I was able to help her, but really didn’t think anything of it. I had kind of forgot about our tutoring session when two weeks later, the girl I tutored came up to me with a huge smile on her face telling me she got a 100 on her test and told me she couldn’t have done it without
Being a part of my school’s peer tutoring program has been the most gratifying experience of my high school career. As a student, I can relate to those that struggle in a subject and are unable to connect with the material being taught in class. I have worked with students who have lost confidence in themselves because of the difficulty they were having in school. To be given the opportunity to assist students to reach their academic goals is fulfilling. As a peer tutor, I edit essays, share scholarship searches, assist with homework, and provide studying tips and test taking strategies. I enjoy working with my group to develop habits to be more successful.With each higher grade earned, test anxiety relieved, and confident smile of those that I help, I know that the work I am doing is
The first characteristic that is helpful to the community is the tutoring program the children in the community. This program will assist the community children with their homework, reading, and daycare. The teachers (volunteers) are retired teachers that dedicate their time from 3:30 – 6:30 pm. They do this Monday through Thursdays, four days a week with snacks. This program has proven to have helped children in their reading and helped save parents on daycare expensive.
The CAPSA tutoring program is an organization that aims to provide assistance for new immigrants and others in adapting to the American society of Montgomery County. Tutoring is a sheer part of this goal. As a Chinese immigrant myself, I have attended CAPSA as a tutee before. During the four years as a tutee, I have benefitted academically and socially. Growing up through CAPSA with my tutors and peers, it truly inspired me to give back to the community that had shaped me to who I am today. Two years ago, I applied to be a tutor with the passion in helping others just as my tutors had done for me. During these two years, I have tutored both newly immigrated eighth grade students, both of which were completely different in personality. The
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is seeking a Program Coordinator to assist in the coordination of academic support services at Rutgers School of Nursing.
The volunteering tutors in the previous objective will ensure that in their tutoring sessions, Michael’s assignments and projects are done in their presence and are reviewed by them to ensure optimum work is done for the highest grade possible.
Something I have learned during my short seventeen years of life is the importance of embracing the differences in talent and ability of those among us. The fact that not everyone will be adept at everything is incontestable, and therein lies a great opportunity to help one another. If only Michael Phelps could help me with swimming, or Mariah Carey could help me with singing. I believe that for me, the Writing Center could give me a chance to help out, even if it doesn’t help anyone earn Olympic Gold or Grammies. As a community, I have found that North Shore High School has been exemplary at providing services for those who need a helping hand. Peer Leaders, National Honor Society Tutoring, and of course the Writing Center, are just a few
As an artist, I encourage everyone around me to do things uniquely their way. We all bring our own experiences to our perspective of life, and sometimes we forget that. Being aware of others’ lives is important, but understanding others’ views and feelings is more crucial to fostering a supportive community. Therefore I remember to be sensitive to the issues of those around me. Whenever I recognize a need, I address it without hesitation. At school I provided free tutoring at lunch because I saw my peers were having trouble without individual attention. After two years of trying to singlehandedly fill the gap between student knowledge and in-class teaching, I realized it was fruitless, especially in math as the rigor increased. I joined forces with some classmates to establish our school’s chapter with Mu Alpha Theta and peer-to-peer math tutoring. I don’t seek praise or fame in my help of others; knowing that I am contributing to my community is enough for
Ms. Brooks started off helping special needs children and then went on to work at a Daycare. Seeing each child face every day motivates her to continue on even when she don’t want to. Ms. Brooks plays a major part in her community. During back-to school week she provides kids with school supplies for the
I believe in giving students their best chance at success. Toward that end, I am eager to put my educational skills to use by serving Chautauqua Striders as a tutor and I am ready to step into this role immediately. My content specialty is mathematics and I would be comfortable tutoring grades K-12 so I am interested in both positions listed on your website: Elementary / Middle School Tutor and After-school Tutors @ Chautauqua Striders. My younger sister, Tiffany Jager, tutored for Chautauqua Striders prior to attending Caltech and it is because of this connection that I learned about this opportunity through word of mouth. Mathematics has been my favorite subject since childhood, and throughout my education I discovered my desire and
I have a variety of experiences volunteering with a variety of people, but specifically a lot with younger children, including Tilly’s kids, coaching, and babysitting. So, that leads me to believe I would excel in the tutoring and Thursday school programs. It also leads me to believe that I would be able
Our family-owned business focuses on providing quality tutoring services that improve social skills, academic skills and test scores at an affordable rate that can’t be beat.
I am an AVID Tutor at my old high school Sierra Vista High School in Baldwin Park. This is going to be my second year working at SVHS and so far I love working at this school and helping the students. I work with sophomore, junior and, senior students. AVID is a college readiness program designed to help students develop the skills they need to be successful in college. It is also a program that motivates students to try to go to college. As an AVID tutor, I am responsible for helping the students by tutoring them in small groups in a specific subject matter (Math-History) by using homework/lesson discussion in groups. We use the Socratic questioning to get students to think critically about a problem they are struggling on and help them when they really cannot solve the question they have. I try to find resources (videos, notes, textbooks) to help the students get a better understanding of their question. Every Friday I grade
Last school year, three of my peers and I decided that our high school needed a peer-tutoring club, so the last few months of my junior year and the first few weeks of my senior year were dedicated to starting this organization. We organized the structure and goals of the club, and presented our ideas to the administrators. Once we got our approval, we immediately began planning lessons. Two days a week we meet with groups of students that come to us for help on improving their ACT scores or general grades. Our service is open to any and every student. We have tutored students in dual-enrollment courses and in standard academic classes.
Tutoring these courses including six other biology and chemistry courses, highlights my proficiency in this competency.I acquired this competency by completing over 10 laboratory sections for different sciences course, including physics, biology, and chemistry. As a paramedic instructor, I also have experience conducting laboratory skill stations for students. These laboratory stations consist of a variety of procedure and assessment