
Transitions In The Story Of Tom Brennan

Decent Essays

Transitions can allow individuals to uncover knowledge through the provoking of principle values, which causes one to reevaluate their position and relations in life. This can create change that allows for circumstantial acceptance, which causes monumental growth and significant personal reward for individuals and those around them. A confronting transition can force an individual to reevaluate their relations with others, due to an emotionally provocative realisation. Whilst transitions encapsulate negatively challenging ones principle values, they have the potential to allow for a ‘new start’. Additionally, one’s comprehension of values may be reformed during transitions, as an individual is forced to overcome hardships. These notions are …show more content…

However, overcoming these hardships allows paramount growth and reward to become prevalent. The statement accurately reflects these concepts within the text and extract, as transitions are explored, and change becomes prevalent due to the experience on an individual. A confronting transition can force an individual to reevaluate their values regarding relations, due to an emotionally provocative realisation. These transitions have the potential to allow individuals to accept their stances in life. When one accepts these circumstances, they can then capitalise on their lives, causing unparalleled personal reward. The Story of Tom Brennan constantly depicts these notions, as Tom has his value of family hindered, as he experiences an extremely emotional transition where his family bonds deteriorate due to the Brennan’s inability to detach themselves from their past. When Tom becomes enlightened towards this deterioration a reevaluation of this …show more content…

From this, hardships become prevalent, and when overcome, positive growth can occur. Additionally, transitions may lead to significant personal reward and change for an individual due to circumstantial acceptance. The Story of Tom Brennan displays these concepts explicitly, as Tom constantly has his value of relationships negatively hindered. However, once he overcomes his challenges brought forth by Daniels drink-driving incident, he is able to gain a ‘new start’ regarding relationships, as he is able to gain acceptance. Furthermore, Toms statement of “The Davin was my obstacle”, utilises the metaphorical obstacle of ‘Davin’, who becomes a hardship for Tom to overcome in order to ‘win’ Chrissy, and thus overcome his loneliness and reforms his values of relationships and love. Once Tom overcomes this obstacle, as evident it the truncated sentence of “Today became the day I kissed Chrissy Tulake”, positive growth occurs, as he becomes releases that he has purpose in life and that his negative past isn’t omnipresent in is everyday life. It is due to this positive transition, that Tom’s values of Relationships and love become reformed, as he becomes enlightened towards the positive effects of love, therefore leading to the paramount personal reward of gaining a relationship with Chrissy, alongside finally accepting his circumstances. Ultimately, it is

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