
Time Keeper Quotes

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In the time keeper by Mitch Albom, Albom quotes that “God limits our days, so each one of them are special”. In the time keeper there are three main characters Dor, Sarah, and Victor. Dor goes through a rough childhood. Dor is the first human to count. how counted breaths and stones. AS Dor grows up, he gets married to a girl named Allie. Dor loves making what he doesn't' know are clocks. Dor is banished from the town because he refused to help a ruler named NIm build his tower. After Dor is banished from the town, his wife gets sick and is almost about to die when Dor says “I will stop this I will stop everything”. Dor ran back to town and climbed up mins tower and his tower broke and Dor fell into a hole. As Dor thought he must be dead …show more content…

Dor was told that he could go home when he found two people that were one wanting more time and one wanting less time. “find there two people and you will unite them and you may go home. Dor knows it won't be easy mostly because he is in a world he has never seen before. he is used to mud huts and there are fifteen story buildings. he drops the hour glass in shock and it landed on its side and it seemed as if time had slowed down almost to a stop. Dor went searching for the two people he must find when we finds sarah in a car about to die Dor picks her up and carries her to where victor was in the cryonics lab about to be put in the tube. The walk from her home to the lab was only a millisecond of passing time to normal people. But it was a two day walk in normal time and to Dor’s point of view. After Dor gets sarah to the lab, he wakes victor up with Sarah and both Sarah and Victor don’t know what's going on. Then they here do and do says let me see the hourglass that was in sarah's hand. He dumped the sand out and took both Sarah and Victor to their futures to see what life would be like without them. they see that really by shutting off sara's life she causes more pain to more people than she ever had about Eithen. and victor realizes that he loves grace more that his life and Dor realized that his life with Allie was as special as it would be. and Dor is sent back to Allie, And Sarah is sent back to the car. Victor had a key word to stop everything and the word was grace. When he got, back he said the word and they stopped immediately and called an amberlamps to get him while Sarah woke up and jumped out of the car and opened the garage and called and amberlamps to pick her up she got in the same one together as Victor. Victor dies about 2 weeks after that, but he had time to give Sarah money to go to college, but after Sarah graduated

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