
Similarities Between The Fault In Our Stars And My Sister's Keeper

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How do the fault in our stars and my sister’s keeper represent the importance and purity of life in the face of adversity? 200 words The fault in our stars and my sister’s keeper are two novels that have a lot of connections and similar themes. They are both novels about people living with cancer and the pain and experiences they have to go through. The families in the novels deal with their grief in very different ways and make several mistakes along the way. The Main characters Hazel Grace and Kate Fitzgerald have very different mindsets about living with cancer but both do not get to live their life the way that they want too. In my sisters keeper once Sarah Fitzgerald found out that Kate had cancer she decided to have another child to …show more content…

In the fault in our stars Hazel doesn’t have any siblings, she has a mother and a father who give their undivided attention to her. They want her to have the best live she can have and they have accepted the fact that Hazel will not get better and her life is significantly shorter than everyone else’s. This doesn’t stop them from helping her to find friends and by doing this she finds love. In my sisters keeper Kate has and older brother, a younger sister and a mother and a father. Kate’s whole family’s lives are based around her and all of the attention is on her all the time, because of this her siblings don’t get the attention they need and miss little things that influence their entire life such as Jessie, his whole life he wanted to be a pilot but no one noticed that he was colour blind until he was 17 years old. Kate’s little sisters Anna has been in the hospital almost the same amount of time that Kate has, ever since she was born she was already giving up her blood and bone marrow to Kate. Once she finally was old enough to speak up she was asked to give up her kidney, “I don’t want to do it anymore.” Anna refused to help out anymore, everyone thought that she was doing it for herself but it turned out that Kate didn’t want her to give up her kidney so that she could die. Sarah only this saw this as being selfish and didn’t want to talk to her, this also show us that Sarah didn’t …show more content…

Hazel fell in love with Augustus Waters. He had cancer and then they thought that the doctors had got rid of it all but it came back and instead of him taking care of Hazel they were taking care of each other and battle through it together. When it came to the time that Augustus was about to pass Hazel couldn’t take it and she didn’t want to live without him. She started to realise that she should spend more time with her parents because that is how they are going to feel, Hazel tells her parents that she doesn’t want them to be sad forever and tells them to think of her as a happy time in their lives rather than being sad for losing her. Kate feel in love with a boy that she met at the hospital when they were both going through Chemo. He made her want to live forever with him and stay alive for as long as possible. Kate came back to visit him in the hospital and he had passed, this was the worst news ever to her and it made her want to die even more. Kate didn’t stop and think about the people that she would hurt by ending her life but she knew that she was tired of hospitals and tired of

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