
Tier 1 Vocabulary

Decent Essays

Vocabulary is the knowledge of words that able us to communicate with others orally, or in writing, and it is acquired through listening or reading. A learning experience of vocabulary, that is called indirect, is obtained when children engage in daily conversation with family and friends, through read aloud by adults, or through own reading. Instead, the learning experience of vocabulary, gained through teacher word instruction, it’s called direct.
Importance to the Reading Process As children learn new vocabulary words while learning to read, they understand and make connection with the sounding of the letters already acquired, to the word they see in print. Even though children learn the vocabulary meanings, usually through indirect experiences, …show more content…

a strategy that teachers use to establish what academic vocabulary need to teach, is the Three Tiers program. Tier 1 is focused on basic everyday words; Tier two on academic vocabulary that expand children prior knowledge in literacy concepts; instead, Tier three is attentive to specialized terms that are more content-specific. Even though, all the Three Tiers words are exposed on the word wall, the most used for classroom activities is the Tier …show more content…

The teacher should ask questions to come up with many words that then need to be categorized, which will help students think of more words. As a follow-up activity, children can copy the map and then later go back and add to it. Also, keep it posted so students can change if appropriate or add.
Concept Mapping: It’s focused on a term, with specific questions on the oval parts that students will answer in regard the term, to better understand and study the word.
Weekly Word Study Notebook Dictionary Assignments: This activity can be assigned after students have knowledge on how to manage the dictionary. As a weekly word study, students will need to research specific words to write down in their appropriate notebook, such as:
1. Search 10 homograph indicating the right accent. Ex: pro’duce and

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