
Food Group Business Plan

Satisfactory Essays

Food Groups Activity 9- Favorite Food Creation!

Standards: K.2 The student will create works of art that express feelings and ideas. K.5 The student will create works of art that connect to everyday life. K.15 The student will describe and respond to works of art.

Identify Key Objectives:
• The student will be able to illustrate their favorite foods by creating them with construction paper.

Identify Materials Needed:
• Classroom Book Bag (parent instructions, white construction paper, crayons, glue, scissors, a magazine, and a pencil)
• Construction Paper (different colors)
• Glue
• My Favorite Foods Example
• Scissors
• The book Good Enough to Eat: A Kid’s Guide to Food and Nutrition by L. Rockwell …show more content…

Have students sit on the floor for “circle time”.
2. Tell the students that we are going to learn about what is in food, such as carbohydrates, fiber, minerals, and vitamins.
3. Ask the students, “Do anyone know what ____ is?” (name the vocabulary words)
4. On the Smart Board, write the vocabulary words so that every student is able to see the words.
• Lesson
1. Go over the vocabulary words one by one, asking students, “Does anyone know what that word means?”
2. Have students repeat the vocabulary words as we go over them as a class.
3. Then explain what each word means so that students understand their meanings.
4. Read the book Good Enough to Eat: A Kid’s Guide to Food and Nutrition by L. Rockwell
5. When a vocabulary word is talked about in the book, ask the students, “Who remembers what ____ means?” (can prompt students if needed)
• Closure
1. Have the students go back to their seats.
2. Explain to the students that they are going to create their favorite foods by using construction paper.
3. Show the students my “Favorite Food Example”.
4. Walk around and see if students need help.
5. When students are done, have them explain what they created and …show more content…

I will allow these student(s) time to comprehend the information. I will encourage them to participate in the lesson when they are ready. I will go over the vocabulary thoroughly and will help them concentrate on these words and meanings. I will also provide one-on-one and/or small groups for these student(s) so that they will be able to understand the lesson. Lastly, if there are other ELL student(s) that understand English better, I will pair these students up together.

Home- School Connection:
Create a “Classroom Book Bag” that contains parent instructions, white construction paper, crayons, glue, scissors, a magazine, and a pencil. Explain to the parents that today their child was introduced to carbohydrates, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Have the students create their own food (like they did in class) and see if they can explain what is in these foods. (some might remember from the lesson done in class) Have the students bring in their food so that we can discuss what they created as a

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