
Wacky Race Game Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

The game Wacky Race is a game that can be used at different levels. The choice of vocabulary words will determine the level. What is great about this game is it can be played with a variety of different game boards. Ones that work great are: Candy land, Chutes and Ladders, Trouble, and Sorry, and most of the students have one or more of these at home. The only thing you really need is the vocabulary list. The words for this game may be introduced from passages from small or large reading groups, or spelling words, and also may be a list of basic vocabulary students will need to learn for their grade level. It is easy to modify this game for ELL or Special needs students. The game boards I prefer to use are Trouble and Chutes and Ladders, these seem to be the most liked among the students. To begin the game have the student sit around the table, choose a game piece. Choose which player will go first, second and so on. I will usually start with the student on my left and go clock-wise. To play the game the teacher or aid will give the student a vocabulary word from the list or cards provided to define, if the student provides the correct answer, then the student can take a turn and move their game piece that many places. If the student answers incorrect, talk the correct answer …show more content…

Using a set of words will allow the teacher to give assessment throughout the week to determine which students are able to move to a new set of words, or requires more time on this set. By using groups of words, it also make it easy to send a list home with the students each week. If the teacher chooses to use pre-made card this will allow the use of a sentence containing the word, and also an opportunity to provide words for the students to choose form. This strategy will be beneficial for the special needs and ELL students, and yet still allow them to use the same card that the regular students are

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