
Theories Learned, Over The Course Of Group

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Theories Learned, Over the Course of Group
Diane Porche
Argosy University

Theories Learned, Over the Course of Group
Group and team work is described as two or more interacting individuals who share collective norms and goals and have a common identity. The size of the group is key, a large group the leader may not catch all. However, a small group becomes more bonded, allowing interaction and shared awareness.
Essential skills for Group Leaders
The essential skill a group leader needs is to understand, group or team work is like the cycle of life (e.g., human, organize, and improvement). Therefore, the leaders must understand how individuals give up a measure of their independence when they join and participate in a …show more content…

Furthermore, I learned that trust has three dimensions.The first being overall trust (e.g., fair play, the truth, and empathy). The second is emotional trust (e.g., faith which someone will not miss-represent you to others or betray confidence). Henceforth, reliableness being the final one (the leader believes members will promises, and appointments will be kept and commitments met). In short, we tend to give what we get; trust begets trust; distrust begets distrust. To build confidence in a group it must be earned; it cannot be demanded. Therefore, the following elements must be present in-group work. Trusting, communication, support, respect, fairness, predictability, and competence, which will show my credibility to demonstrating good therapeutic skills and the ability to perform them.
Hence, my competencies lie in, learning to negotiate with my co-leader. Structuring positive relationships between co-leaders and clients, manage tasks efficiently, and sharing responsibility, to utilize rational argument. Ways of doing this is through my strengths of empathy, linking, open-end-questions, attention, eye contact and encouraging, supporting and response by shaking my head. These skills have a powerful effect on a group cohesiveness, thereby, creating trust (Walsh et al., 2002). When it came to my group setting, dealing with grief, the steps above helped. I found that staying in the

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