
Theme Of A Beautiful Mind

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In the movie A Beautiful Mind, there is mathematician, named John Forbes Nash Jr., who attended graduate school at Princeton, where he was arrogant, childish, and brilliant with his college roommate and best friend named Charles. When at Princeton, Nash developed a doctoral thesis which was called "Nash equilibrium" revolutionized economics, where he receives a Nobel Prize. As a brilliant mathematician, he received a job at a university to teach, which is where he becomes romantically involved with one of his students named Alicia. During his time teaching and his romantic involvements with Alicia, who he soon marries, he meets Parcher, a agent with the US Department of Defense, that gives him an assignment to help decrypt codes found in …show more content…

Some people's mood maybe anger, anxiety, apathy, feeling detached from self, general discontent, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, elevated mood, or inappropriate emotional response. They may also experience hallucination, paranoia, hearing voices, depression, fear, persecutory delusion, or religious delusion, circumstantial speech, incoherent speech, rapid and frenzied speaking, or speech disorder.
There are many causes of schizophrenia that psychiatrist and clinical psychologist look at when diagnosing someone like genes, chemical actions by drugs, abnormality working of the brain, and environmental risk factors. Knowing the cause could help the doctor figure out the right treatment plan to help schizophrenia people receive the help they need to focus on their real lives. There are several treatments that can help schizophrenia one being antipsychotic medications which it helps control the nerves. Then you have support group, rehabilitation, and cognitive therapy that each could help in a psychological way. Schizophrenia relates to the movie by explaining Nash’s first symptoms of schizophrenia develop when he is at Princeton when he gets a roommate named Charles. Charles is a delusion; he does not existed. He also

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