
Schizophrenia In A Beautiful Mind : A Beautiful Mind

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A Beautiful Mind, directed by Ron Howard. The main character John Nash played by Russell Crowe was a genius Mathematician who came up with what he called his “Original Idea” which lead him to become very successful and well around man. His “Original Idea” slowly become a nightmare to Professor Nash, he began to have delusions, and hallucination. He created a world where he thought he was a solider working for Parcher played by Ed Harris, that was helping he run away from and fight again the Russians. Throughout the film John Nash plays the role of a genius Math Professor that develops Schizophrenia, delusion and hallucinations. John Nash portray a man that develops Schizophrenia throughout the movie. Schizophrenia according to, Licht, Hull, and Ballantyne 2017 is a “psychological disorder that includes delusion, hallucination, disorganized speech, and abnormal speech”. According to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders[DSM-5] Fifth Edition,2014, John Nash is diagnose as Schizophrenic because he met category A with two or more disorders, which include delusion and hallucination. An example to proven that John Nash fulfill delusion is when he starts to see Parcher a person he made up to be a secret agent that he is protecting John from the Russians. John goes on missions for Parcher and see him everywhere he goes Nash himself felt followed by him. Another example was when he felt his baby boy in the bath tub and his wife came back seeing his boy crying in

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