
Analysis of the Film, A Beautiful Mind Essay

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Analysis of the film "A Beautiful Mind" In the movie, "A Beautiful Mind", the main character, John Nash, is a mathematician who suffers from schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is actually the most chronic and disabling of the major mental illnesses and it distorts the way a person thinks, acts, expresses emotions, interprets reality and relates to others. The movie, "A Beautiful Mind", John Nash, who is played by Russell Crowe, is a true story about a mathematician whose life is horrific because of his disease, schizophrenia. He was an egocentric man who studied Mathematics in Princeton University. During the whole time that he studied in Princeton, he was trying to come up with his own original idea. He felt that by only …show more content…

These symptoms are: Delusions which are strange beliefs that are not based in reality. Another positive symptom are hallucinations which makes people hear voices, feel touched when they are not touched and see things that are not really there. The disorganized symptoms are the symptoms that affect a person's ability to think clearly. These symptoms include talking in sentences that do not make sense which causes difficulty in communicating; changing quickly from one thought to the next; moving slowly; being unable to make choices; and forgetting or losing things and repeating the same steps, such as walking in circles. The negative symptoms are the symptoms that reflect the nonappearance of certain normal behaviors and these symptoms usually appears first and then the other type of symptoms occur. Negative symptoms can be confused with depression. These symptoms are: lack of emotions and expressions; withdrawal from friends, family and social activities; reduced energy; loss of pleasure or interest in life; poor hygiene; and catatonia, a condition in which a person becomes fixed in a single position for a very long time. There are four basic subtypes of Schizophrenia. These are paranoid schizophrenia which is when people are preoccupied with false beliefs about being persecuted or being punished by someone. Their thinking, speech, and emotions remain fairly normal. Secondly, disorganized

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