
The Thing That End Essay

Decent Essays

Why it is important to keep sensitive items accountability at all times. Sensitive Items is a range of items which varies from those which are essential to the mission to those which contain information which is sensitive in nature (i.e. giving access to secure communication, movement of troops, their equipment, support lines or the general idea of the mission.) There are many reasons these items need to be secure and accountability maintained for them. Some of these reasons include the potential to pose a threat to mission success if fallen into the wrong hands, the ability to complete the mission if not maintained by the troops themselves, the security of those around you if not maintained, and the ease and flow with which the …show more content…

Things happen, we've all lost something before, hell I had lost $100 cash before. When I woke up the next day and couldn't find it, I was so pissed, but it happened and there was nothing I could do about it, just had to take it as a loss. I’m only human, and this will not be the last mistake I ever make. However, I wont make the same mistake over and over again. I am certain that the corrective training I am doing sucks just enough if not more to make me want to ensure to maintain firm awareness of the location of my ID card at all times from now on, which I'm sure was the intention of this corrective training or essay writing. Don't get me wrong a lot of bad things have the potential to occur if my ID were to fall into the wrong hands. Being accountable means being dependable arriving to work and appointments on time, meeting deadlines, being in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing at the right time, and making sure you have your i.d. card at all times. Morning formation is the most important formation of the day. It is made to get accountability of everyone and put out any information that there needs to be dealt with. Without having accountability there is no knowing of where everybody is or what's going on. I have realized that is an important asset always showing up on time By not being accounted for I have let my unit down and failed in the missions that needed to be completed. I have not set a good examples

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