Why it is important to keep sensitive items accountability at all times. Sensitive Items is a range of items which varies from those which are essential to the mission to those which contain information which is sensitive in nature (i.e. giving access to secure communication, movement of troops, their equipment, support lines or the general idea of the mission.) There are many reasons these items need to be secure and accountability maintained for them. Some of these reasons include the potential to pose a threat to mission success if fallen into the wrong hands, the ability to complete the mission if not maintained by the troops themselves, the security of those around you if not maintained, and the ease and flow with which the …show more content…
Things happen, we've all lost something before, hell I had lost $100 cash before. When I woke up the next day and couldn't find it, I was so pissed, but it happened and there was nothing I could do about it, just had to take it as a loss. I’m only human, and this will not be the last mistake I ever make. However, I wont make the same mistake over and over again. I am certain that the corrective training I am doing sucks just enough if not more to make me want to ensure to maintain firm awareness of the location of my ID card at all times from now on, which I'm sure was the intention of this corrective training or essay writing. Don't get me wrong a lot of bad things have the potential to occur if my ID were to fall into the wrong hands. Being accountable means being dependable arriving to work and appointments on time, meeting deadlines, being in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing at the right time, and making sure you have your i.d. card at all times. Morning formation is the most important formation of the day. It is made to get accountability of everyone and put out any information that there needs to be dealt with. Without having accountability there is no knowing of where everybody is or what's going on. I have realized that is an important asset always showing up on time By not being accounted for I have let my unit down and failed in the missions that needed to be completed. I have not set a good examples
Dependability is a major aspect of military bearing. Without dependability, one can neither perform properly in the workspace nor be depended upon by their coworkers, or chain of command to carry out their military duties adequately. A military member is required to be punctual, and reliable. Lack of this in a service member not only hinders the mission
Accountability by definition means the quality or state of being accountable; especially : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one 's actions. Accountability stems from late Latin accomptare (to account), a prefixed form of computare (to calculate), which in turn derived from putare (to reckon). While the word itself does not appear in English until its use in 13th century Norman England, the concept of account-giving has ancient roots in record keeping activities related to governance and money-lending systems that first developed in Ancient Egypt, Israel, Babylon, Greece, and later, Rome. In the United States Marine Corps it is very important to hold yourself accountable for all actions especially true the longer you are in. To myself it refers to the obligation of an individual to report formally to his superiors for the proper discharge of his responsibility. It is the answer ability of a subordinate to render an account of his activities to his superior. The person who accepts responsibility is accountable for the performance of the assigned duties. As such being late to work is a direct violation of accountability. Forgetting ones required materials for work may seem small and harmless but overall may develop into bigger issues if not dealt with accordingly.
The definition of sensitive items is anything that considered classified or a mission essential item. They range anywhere from protective wear, maps, patrol routes, nods (night vision goggles) or simply your weapon. The meaning of securing your sensitive items mainly is maintaining accountability for opsec (operation security), mission success and a soldiers overall readiness. If an item is lost and the enemy gets his/her hands on that item it could compromise the mission at hand or give them intelligence on the items we as soldiers use each day. Using habits and exercising the securing of sensitive items will make it possible for the soldier and his or her team to operate at the top performance. Operational
Keeping track- to me this is something that is just common knowledge. Paying attention to your surroundings, asking questions or providing information, just being involved will and can improve the accountability.
Over the past 29 plus years of working in this school district as a teacher, vice principal, STEM coach, instructional coach, and Title 1 coordinator, I would have to say my involvement in Title 1 has had the steepest learning curve. In all of my other jobs, I was able to learn how to be a teacher, coach or administrator through university coursework and classes offered for credential renewal. However, being a Title 1 coordinator this year has put me in the “shoes of a new learner,” much like my former students where I feel as though my head may explode with all of my new knowledge. I would like to pass along my new learnings about Title 1 and why it is so important to the White Pine County School District.
Supervisors, running a company, need to have 100% accountability of their employees. This is so that if someone else asks about a certain employee, the supervisor can give an accurate record of when the employee came in, where they can be found, and when their shift ends. If that employee cannot be found, accountability has been lost. Even if
The Importance of Accountability Is so you know where everyone is so if you need a person for something you will know where to find them. It is also necessary to have accountability to make sure everyone in your unit is safe and so you make sure they are where they are supposed to be. You also want your unit to be on standby so they are ready for anything that may happen. It is also needed so nobody goes UA.
Evaluate the challenges that for-profit public companies face from recurrent scandals, political attacks and alternative corporate structures such as the B-corp.
"Women were denied knowledge of their history, and thus each woman had to argue as though no woman before her had ever thought or written. Women had to use their energy to reinvent the wheel, over and over again, generation after generation. ... thinking women of each generation had to waste their time, energy and talent on constructing their argument anew. Generation after generation, in the face of recurrent discontinuities, women thought their way around and out from under patriarchal thought." (Lerner qtd in Merrim Modern Women xxiii)
Sensitive items are anything that is considered classified or a mission essential item. These items can include protective gear, maps, or a piece of paper designating patrol routes. The importance of securing sensitive items comes down to maintaining accountability for operation security, mission success and a soldiers over all readiness. The habits of exercising security and accountability of a soldiers items allow the soldier and their team to operate to the highest standards or have items be accessed by an opposing adversary creating loss of overall mission success.
Knowing everyone is counting on you to do your job will force you to become accountable.
At the right time, doing the right thing at the right time. Without having accountability there is not knowing of where or in what shape your equipment is in and there for having a negative effect on a unit’s combat readiness.
It is important to keep track of sensitive items and documents for many reasons that could hinder you and/ or your comrades. I myself left my Military Identification Card behind during a weight and tape test. But many other things can be left behind and compromise your security, operations, life, or the lives of others.
The core idea behind structuralism is that everything exists within a larger system; that all things can be fit into categories within a structure. Michel Foucault took a new look at this concept in his “The Order of Things, Preface”, using the ideas of Jorge Luis Borges, bringing in the notion of otherness, of what “insinuated itself into the empty space, the interstitial blanks separating all these entities from one another” (Foucault 1). Things can be grouped together because of “that and, by that in, by that on whose solidity provides proof of the possibility of juxtaposition” (Foucault 2). If a common ground exists where unlikely entities can meet, then they can be grouped together. However Foucault suggests that this possible meeting does not exist “except in the immaterial sound of the voice pronouncing their enumeration, or on the page describing it” (Foucault 2).
Five months went on swiftly in time, we came very close, I mean our excavation, also in relationship too. Durga, what a beautiful name, is it because she is being named Durga, I feel like it is the most beautiful name? Or am I going mad due. “Love makes anyone go mad”, in my case, it’s clearly proved. I have actually spent five months with her in the camp, but it feels as if five minutes for me, I haven’t propose her though knowing the truth, she likes me. There’s nothing to my conscious impossible or scary to do, but this one is different, proposing a girl and convince her what one feel about her is an impossible one, not because women are weak but because, men are not strong enough to face that or am I the only man in this whole world