
The Theory Of Observational Learning

Good Essays

The concept of observational learning is very complex. While some don’t believe it, some only live by it. The reason why I chose to talk about this type of learning in particular is because I use it myself in my everyday life. Observational learning is a new concept that schools should start trying to break the standard of basic learning. Observational learning keeps kids interested, but most importantly keeps them learning and making that knowledge impact them for years to come.
The problem with observational learning is that not everyone knows exactly what it means, or how it works. Poel hear observational learning and think it’s just images and production in order to teach, which isn’t true the entire time. “when learning is defined as …show more content…

Reading the steps of how something is done without any images or actions doesn’t make me learn or remember. However, if after I read the instruction and the did practice problems, I would have learned the concept rather than create short memory of the concept. Yet even with all of the research and proven theories, people still don’t understand why this even works. Some people go as far to say it only works for certain field of study. The problem is some people think observational learning only works for those studies that use their hands on the regular bases, not a mental stand point. The problem is they just don’t get how it really works. This problem is one Geer talks about continually in his journal stating, “Problems in distinguishing between performance and learning also derive from the multiplicity of definitions of learning.” (Douglas) What the idea is, is that because there are so many concept of learning and how people learn it’s hard to push all of these qualifications into one category like observational learning when it could already be part of the other concepts. Yet, there is one author who takes a very smart approach on this and explain how this type of learning could actually be singled out in a study done.
Bridget Taylor talks about how observational learning could help children with autism. She starts off with mentioning how people have

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