
A Long Way Gone Case Study

Decent Essays

Throughout the book, Forward emphasizes how adults exhibit observational learning, learned helplessness, attribution theory, and displacement of feelings as a result of abuse during their childhood. An example of observational learning is Eli, a successful businessman. Eli has an obsession with saving money as he observed it from his father. His parents were poor immigrants that pinched every penny they could. Everytime Eli would try to enjoy the fruits of his labor, he would hear his father’s warnings. His father’s distrust of the future carried through to his thoughts on women. Like success, a woman would inevitably turn on you someday. Eli imitated his father’s beliefs and actions throughout his life as he learned them to be socially appropriate. An instance of learned helplessness is Joe’s case study. Joe’s father constantly beat him during his childhood. He never knew what sparked his father’s outbursts. Joe spent most of his childhood waiting for the tidal wave of his father’s rage and knowing there was no way to avoid it. As a result, Joe developed learned …show more content…

She was sexually abused as a child by her father. She rationalized his abuse as a desire to be closer to his only daughter. However, Tracy failed to realize that if her father was lonely and frustrated, he had alternatives to molesting his own daughter. Tracy attributed his sexual abuse to him being lonely and frustrated. Another example is Louise as she was spending her life waiting for her idealized father to come back. Unable to face how callous and irresponsible he had been she used extensive rationalization to keep him godlike. Her rationalization enabled her to deny her rage at him for abandoning her. These two examples show how victims can make the unacceptable acceptable with even the worst

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