
The Theme Of Women In Flaubert's Madame Bovary

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The theme of confinement of females under severe mental and physical distress is a central theme in both Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, and Wilkie Collins The Woman in White. Flaubert’s Emma Bovary is a narcissist, whose self-induced obsession with literature restricts her from having a happy fulfilling life, as nothing matches the excitement, romance, or adventure of the heroes in the novels she reads. While in comparison, the females in Wilkie Collins The Woman in White, have their identity stolen, and are imprisoned against their will, by the protagonist cunning husband, and a villainous Count. This assignment will consider the methods the authors used to depict confinement within both narratives, including structure, setting, narrative techniques and genre, and ask why did Emma Bovary’s husband Charles and the Fairlie’s uncle and guardian Frederick …show more content…

Indeed, Emma is a narcissist who is dying in her own solitary world, she has lost her mother and her father has no interest in her, she is a burden to him. Hence, Emma’s father took the opportunity to marry off his daughter to a doctor as a ‘meal ticket’ the narrative states, “Pere Rouault would not have been vexed to have his daughter off his hands, for she was hardly any use to him in the house” (p, 23). Emma’s long process of dying continues throughout her life, nothing she does makes her happy, not her marriage, or her adulterous affairs, or spending money. Emma is dying from being invariably dissatisfied that her own life lacks the same fulfilment and excitement of the characters in the novels she reads. Emma’s disappointments are the result of the failure of French Bourgeoisies society and she aspires to have the taste more refined and sophisticated than that of her class. This frustration reflects a rising social and historical trend of the last half of the 19th

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