
Death Over Life in Flaubert's Madame Bovary Essay

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Death Over Life in Flaubert's Madame Bovary

Often in literature, a character is found that is quite memorable. Never was this more true than in Flaubert's Madame Bovary. To some, Emma Bovary's action at the end of the novel was drastic and unnecessary; others believed her death to be the end of the natural progression of the story. However, Emma's decision to commit suicide was relatively simple, yet came as a last resort. She had exhausted all the other options she felt were available, and in the end made her plan based on finances, lost love, and the sheer boredom of her life.

One motivation for Emma's suicide was her financial problems. She spent extravagant amounts of her husband, Charles', money on …show more content…

"[Later] Rodolphe is shown to be a coarse provincial Don Juan, attracted only by Emma's physical charms" (Roe 40). When Emma learned she was just one in a long line of conquests, she was devastated, emotionally and physically. Her later affair with Leon filled a void in her life, but as she herself noted, it was not enough. "No matter! She was not happy-she never had been...nothing was worth the trouble of seeking it...the sweetest kisses left...only the unattainable desire for a greater delight" (Flaubert 200). As one critic noted, "...the shattering of her Romantic ideals...[caused her to carry] to the second amour fewer illusions...that Leon had grown tired [still] filled her with bitterness..." (Green 233). The affair with Leon involved many trips to Rouen, and it is interesting to note that "...the outings to Rouen lose their charm as her love for Leon turns to disgust" (Turnell 106). Her affair with Leon ended when it became stagnant, although she was in no less pain than before.

Of all Emma's reasons to wish for death, disappointment in life and marriage was probably the strongest contributor. She had expected her life to be like a romance novel, where everyone was happy and rich; she grew frustrated and angry when her life was ordinary. Emma wanted Charles to be her Prince Charming, not a toad. Although Charles doted on Emma, almost to the point of smothering her, she wanted more. She

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