
The Successful Leadership Practices And Principles Of Suzanne F Shank

Better Essays

Siebert Brandford Shank & Co. LLC’s President and CEO
Melissa Robertson
MGMT 615
March 29, 2015
This paper is an analytical paper that will discuss the successful leadership practices and principles of Suzanne F Shank, founder, co-owner, and member of the Board of Directors of Siebert Brandford Shank & Co., LLC, and a municipal investment bank. It was with integrity and strong ethics that Suzanne was able to lead her firm to become one of the top ten senior manager in municipal bond. She has always seen herself as a business leader who promotes collaboration and team work, and these are some of the qualities necessary to be a great leader.

Early Life and Education
Leadership is a vital component to the success of an organization. …show more content…

Suzanne Shank grew up in Savannah, GA, when she was 10years old she entered an essay contest on why I love my city, and she won the elementary school category. Because of the love for her city she never dreamed of leaving her hometown. She was very intelligent in math and science; therefore, her high school teacher encouraged her to study engineering in college. After graduating from Georgia Tech in 1983, she started working for a local construction company and it was there that she realized that she wanted to be in management. It was her love for mathematics’ and the encouragement of her high school teacher that made Suzanne realize that her passion was not engineering. After working there for several years Suzanne decided to go to Wharton School for her MBA in Management. She found her first job on Wall Street after receiving her MBA but she still had not found her niche.

Suzanne Shank’s Career Path
Suzanne started working on Wall Street in 1987 two months after Black Monday occurred and the financial firms started laying off people. For 10yrs Suzanne worked for several financial institutions, one financial advisory firm she was employed with was James J Lowery & Company. In 1996 when she went to work for Muriel Siebert that was when Suzanne began to love her career in finance at that Siebert was the owner of a discount brokerage firm. Suzanne and her partners Napoleon Brandford III and Muriel Siebert started a successful and an unsurpassed municipal

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