The success of interpreting largely depends on the interpreter’s comprehensive preparation before the interpretation initiative. It’s essential for an interpreter to comprehend what the speakers are about to say. In the book basic concepts and models for interpreter and translator training, Daniel Gile stresses the importance of comprehension in interpretation and summarizes an interpretation comprehension equation. In this chapter, the interpreter makes pre-task preparation guided by this equation. It can provide instruction on how to prepare comprehensively and from what perspectives to make preparation, thus enhancing comprehension in interpreting process. The interpretation comprehension equation is C=KL+ELK. “‘C ’stands for comprehension, ‘KL’ stands for knowledge of the language, and ‘ELK’ stands for extra-linguistic knowledge”. It is worth noting that the “=” does not refer to complete equality but the result of above the factors’ interaction, while “+” means “addition by interaction” rather than arithmetic addition. So the preparation work is made from two perspectives: KL and ELK. 2.1 Knowledge of the language Knowledge of the language is the foundation and constituent of language skills. “In any case, relevant elements of vocabulary, grammar, and style in the source language should be well mastered by the translator. In conference, in particular, relevant language elements should be mastered well enough to require little time and processing capacity to be
An interpreter who speaks the candidate’s language could also help the candidate participate in the assessment. Resources could also be made available in the person’s own language or pictures used instead of words.
As communication is a key element in my field, the necessity for them to develop excellent Language skills is key, as it also requires preparation, as elements of clear enunciation, focusing and the design of presentations are usually present in most of the courses within this field.
American Sign Language Interpreters who interpret in mental health settings have a unique opportunity to be an effective part of the healing process for Deaf consumers by accurately interpreting the information between him or her and their mental health physician and / or team. In order to accomplish this, interpreters must seek the necessary training to work in the mental health setting, educate themselves about the various mental illnesses , understand the various demands and controls necessary to function in this environment, and lastly, know how to take care of themselves when they feel emotionally drained from working in this type of environment.
Comprehensible input is slightly beyond that of the current level of competence of the language learner. So, if the language learner’s current level of competence in the new language is i, then i+1 is the next immediate step along the development continuum. Therefore, if the goal is to assist the language learner progress in their task, it is essential to provide the student/learner with comprehensible input [i +1] (Cortes, K., 2010).
Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to evaluate texts by drawing on a growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features
Lor et al. (2016) examined the growing problem of language barriers for patients in the United States and around the world. The use of interpreters is often the solution to bridge the gap between languages. The purpose of this study was to examine patient perception of interpreter services.The population for this study included 10 English proficient Hmong patients and 10 Spanish speaking patients. The participants ranged from age 33 to 75 years old. The intervention was that poor quality interpretation could lead to poor relationships among patients, interpreters and providers. In addition poor interpretation could end up in the patient being unable to follow through with treatment plans. Lastly, poor quality interpretation can lead to emotional distress for patients. Comparison was that patients have expectations on how the
Effective comprehension of the reader and writer will occur if both authors and readers use similar interpretive methods and belong to the same discourse community. Scholars state that good readers use complex processes interactively and simultaneously in order to enhance comprehension (Stanovich, 1991). This interaction among processes is very influential in teaching reading skills for ESP. In other words, successful readers activate their schemata of the topic and use textual information to make sense of the new information (Stanovich, 1991; Jalififar & Shooshtari, 2011).
Understanding the words that they are using and how they progressively
The most ideal translator/interpreter for hard target languages would be someone who grew up speaking or writing target language. Although the United States military has specialist of languages, most are taught the language and may miss certain cues or inflection that would be caught by a person who is fluent with the native language. The task of finding and acquiring native speakers of hard target languages can be a burdensome task. For example, in a terrorist driven country, it may be challenging to find a willing local who speaks or writes the native language fluently for fear of being a “traitor” and the harm that could come to themselves or their families. However, the benefits for a willing individual could be very favorable. A native
A trained interpreter is the most strongly recommended route to take when dealing with limited English proficiency persons. When examining the two interpreters there were clear differences in communication patterns between the two interpreters. Although the outcomes were typically similar, they noted doctors often interrupted professor interpreters more than families, and families also interrupted professor interpreters as well. Typically doctors interrupted to keep interview on track where families interrupted to control the agenda of the meeting. Also identified was family interpreters often imposed their own agenda verses being a vehicle to exchange information between doctor and patient (Leanza, Boivin, & Rosenberg,
They’ve asked students and other teachers what they personally think a good interpreter should be like. Also, they have different types of interpreters and observed which interpreters were the most successful with their clients. Some of the qualities that they highlight is: be a good listener, have excellent sensory, motor and cognitive skills, have an extensive vocabulary of multiple languages, be culturally aware, cope with stress and self-control when dealing with difficult speakers and show emotional resilience. This website was extremely helpful, it really gave me an idea of what interpreting is like and what kind of qualities are
As with in any field, language services offers ways to differentiate oneself from colleagues. Becoming certified allows interpreters to document the skills and knowledge that allow them to perform effectively in the profession. Within interpretation, however, there are a range of points of view that surround certification. Some believe that a college degree is necessary to truly be a professional interpreter, while others argue in favor of natural ability and experience in the field. All agree that certification can be a way of recognizing a level of proficiency in both the art and science of language service and, therefore, certification is available to interpreters of all backgrounds.
Studies in the United States also suggest that interpreters need to be well equipped with the appropriate linguistic and cultural skills to interpret accurately (Johnston, S., 2007; Roy, 2000). These studies have indicated that when interpreting students are engaging in regular opportunities for reflective practice and learning, student interpreters can successfully integrate into the interpreting workforce (Cokely, 2005; Johnston, S.,
Yes I would after reading comments and questions from Tiffany I have decided to focus my study on elementary level interpreters since according to several resources I found children at the elementary level are working on language mastery (Bloom, 1970; Bloom, 2000; Brown, 2000 as cited in Freeman, 2015). Therefore, it is imperative for interpreters to have skills and knowledge of the scope and goal for learning since much of the CAS purpose is to develop more critical thinking and higher level of learning. To accomplish this the more interpreters know the better they can provide an equivalent linguistic, cognitive and academically appropriate interpretation (Schick, 2004).
The reference listed will be the materials that I use in my essay on the simultaneous interpreting, the topic of which will be “The influencing factors of improving the performance of simultaneous interpreters”.