Another group that is advocating for the stop of gun violence is the Law Center To Prevent Gun Violence. This groups motto is “Because smart gun laws save lives”, and they dedicate the work they are trying to achieve to the victims and their families from the 101 California Street shooting in San Francisco. This organization helps to provide extensive and in-depth summaries of the United States federal, state, and local laws and policies involving firearms. They try to be the most comprehensive resource of information on gun regulations; and along with trying to inform the public on the gun laws that are in place they also want to describe what the law is designed too do and to show us the limitations that these laws face. This groups …show more content…
To get their message out they are educating the public with the facts about the concern of the numerous facets of ownership of firearms in America. While there is a lot of debate surrounding gun violence and a lot of disagreements with how to solve the problem, we need to come up with a solution that will put a stop to it or at least make the gun violence rate decrease. There are many ways you could potentially fix this problem, while it may not complete stop it, it would help control it. Fixing the problem starts with yourself. Take a stance on which side you support whether is pro or anti guns. Once you decide which side you support you should try and get involved in areas that interest you and work with others to help accomplish the goals you want to accomplish. There are many groups and organizations that you can become a member of to help out the community or even the nation. One group that you could get involved with is the Everytown for Gun Safety. This group is an American movement that is working together to end gun violence as well as to build communities that are safer. This group is fighting for changes that they know will save lives. There are many ways you could get involved with this group by donating or going to an event and work with national campaigns as well as issues that are entangled in your local community. Another way you can stop gun violence is using your voice. Most people don’t realize that your voice matters and
With the onslaught of gun control debates happening in the world today, listening is one of the first steps to solving the problem. Whenever a person opposing gun control appears on television people are quick to commentate over them, and talk about how bad their agenda is and how it will put people in danger. The same goes when a person supporting gun control appears, everyone talks over them with their family about how it would strip their rights away and ruin democracy. No matter the side you stand on, just listening to the political commercials will help end the debate. People that oppose gun control
Imagine heartbreak, loved ones dying, and losing hope. This has transpired for many in America today, all because of gun violence. It has become a great problem for our society in recent years. Data from Every Town Research has shown In their article Gun Violence by the Numbers “...that on an average day, 93 Americans are killed with guns...For every one person killed, two are injured” Many will deny that gun violence is a dilemma, but it is. Most do not realize this but, over 62% of the deaths that occur are suicides, and just over 1,642 people killed by gun violence were accidental. There is something very wrong here, and something needs to change quickly. If so many of these deaths are incidental, and
The past few years America has seen an undeniable rise in mass shootings and other acts of gun violence. With each act of violence that brings the nation into a state of fear for their safety, it leads people to ponder on the place the nation is currently at with gun control and the actions the government is taking to improve the unstable ground it currently stands on. Even with the public’s attention and consideration on devastating shootings, there has been a lengthy tug-of-war between those who actively promote more gun control laws and those who oppose them, with gun control activist repeatedly losing the battle. Those that understand the benefits the expansion of gun control would bring should join and take a stand, particularly for national
It seems like every time we hear about a violent crime involving firearms the focus is turned to gun control. This has turned the issue of gun control into a major debate in our nation. When it comes to taking a side on the issue many people decide completely on an emotional level instead of looking at the issue rationally. People think that solving violent crimes involving guns is as easy as taking away the guns. How do you go about taking guns away if that is the solution, or what will the effects be of taking guns away from people who don’t use them for crime? The lack of information on this issue leads to an unequal view on gun control and can completely distort the ability of that individual to be able to take a rational stand on the
Next, it is important to ask who are the people that really kill? Is it the gun or the person? People who defend the right to bear arms often state that it is not the gun that kills it is the individual that kills. Some feel the answer lies in that we need to introduce stricter laws on who is able to apply for license to carry guns. Gun laws vary from state to state with California being the most restrictive state to Arizona with the most lenient laws. These laws include background checks, waiting periods, and registration requirements to who can purchase and sells guns. Even with these laws in place we have still witnessed an increase in the number of mass shootings over the past few years. Implementing stricter gun control laws will ultimately not eliminate individuals from acquiring access to guns if they truly desire. State governments may require licenses to purchase guns but there remains an underground and online market to purchase guns, which does not monitor whether a person truly has a license or not. Rather than focusing on implementing stricter laws for control and ways to make the purchase
Are committees should come and donate to get t-shirts. We should get our quote put on our t-shirt “Guns Down Crimes Gone Help Our Community” with some kind of design. Give them out as we see people walking around or even set up a table at the grocery store. I think people would stop because they are wearing a powerful shirt with a lot of means. More people wear the shirt more power an that will overcome this problem.
Furthermore, we can all come together as a community and protest about gun control in America. If we sit around and do nothing, then we are no better than the people
Eighty-nine people depart from this earth due to gun violence in the US every day. From school children, to victims of domestic violence, to people going about their daily lives, this status quo is unacceptable. On Tuesday January 5th, 2016 President Obama announced that he would send proposals on reducing gun violence in America to Congress. His spokesman, Jay Carney, mentioned that this is “a complex problem that will require a complex solution.” The ability to own a gun is considered by some a birthright of Americans. However, with crime rates involving handguns rising each day it has become quite clear. Handgun laws must become stricter in order to reduce homicide and crime. The question is, “which solution in most effective in decreasing gun violence?” Gun control is a major conflict that is constantly reoccurring and the US is seemingly divided over it.
To begin, limiting gun violence would be made easier if they conducted more gun violence research in America. According to Newsweek, some people say that gun control laws violate our rights. After the Sandy Hook shooting, former President Barack Obama called on the CDC to further study gun violence. However, the order has had no effect on anything and the NIH actually took steps backward in trying to close its gun-violence research programs that it currently has. (Frankel, 2017) By taking these steps backwards and choosing to ignore the problem this country has with gun violence, is only going to lead to further incidents because we cannot limit the problem. Although the government is not the only source of money for the gun violence research,
It has spread to the suburbs and small towns. Gun violence rates have increased in the last decade due to hatred and societal issues, and while shooters and victims both face many difficult obstacles, there are some solutions that the public and schools can enforce through awareness.
In 2015, 13,367 people lost their lives due to gun violence according to Gun Violence Archive. The Archive also states that out of that number, 693 were children from ages 0-11. We can all agree that there is indeed a problem that we have to address. The solution to that problem, however, has been debated by many. I believe the solution to this problem exists in three parts: Mandatory training and licensing along with more heavily secure gun storage, stricter regulations on the purchasing of a firearm—disabilities and criminal records should be more deeply looked into before transaction—and finally, equipping teachers at highs schools with the right kind of weaponry to prevent mass shootings.
In early March of 2015, several New York City residents wondered why a gun store opened its doors for only a few days in Manhattan. “First-time gun buyer? We are here to help you!” was one of the signs passersby saw on the storefront (Holley, 2015). The store was phony, and it was tied to an ad campaign for States United to Prevent Gun Violence, or SUPGV. Though signs on the door enticed people to come in and purchase a gun, the purpose of the store was the exact opposite. Full of hidden cameras, the staged shop did not sell guns, rather it informed those that walked through the door about the dangers of owning one.
Every day 297 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides, unintentional shootings, and police intervention. Everyday 89 people die from gun violence, 31 of those people are murdered. Today I'm going to be talking about the social justice issue of gun violence. Gun violence, death and injury from firearms is a major issue in all parts of our world. Gun violence continues to affect young people, lower-income people, and communities of color. This social justice and public health issue occurs in places all over the world, however it has become such an epidemic in the United States that it will result in gun violence being one of the main topics in the 2016 presidential election. There are many causes for gun violence, for example, in this day and age pop culture influence is the greatest cause of gun violence. Guns have also became more accessible and easy to obtain. Poor identification and treatment of mentally ill people is another significant cause for gun violence.
Another solution is to redesign the background checks on every individual wanting to purchase a gun. Each state has their own law on this one and many are not very strict. By creating a national background checking system for everyone trying to purchase guns which would include a national mental health check; guns entering the hands of an individual mentally unstable could be prevented better. Thirdly, designing tougher sentencing laws could aid in lowering crimes involving guns. Totally removing guns would not be beneficial because the criminals are still going to find a way to have a gun in order to continue their criminal lifestyle. The key to finding the perfect solution is tough due to many loopholes and the effects it could have on everyone’s second amendment right. In looking at the three potential ways to control guns and violence; the perfect way to aid in controlling guns and the violence is to put in place a law that contains tougher sentences, more in depth background checks, a large database to account for every gun purchased or sold and require every gun owner to go through a course to teach gun safety and the laws that are in place.
Gun violence has been around for centuries and there have been many mass shootings, homicides and suicides. There is always the argument on “do guns kill people” or “do people kill people”? What people really need to be looking at is the problem which is people stocking up on guns and not knowing how to properly handle them and all the mass shootings that are taking place. As a country, people need to be coming up with solutions instead of doing nothing.