
The Shortage Of Airline Pilots Essay

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There is a shortage in airline pilots which has caused delays long layovers, and late arrivals. This is in part due to the cost of becoming a pilot. Both government regulations and cost to the private individual and public option has choked the ability for individual to start on the journey of aviation. Garvey (2016) from the American pilot association also list these and other contributors in Aviation Week & Space Technology, p15-15. 1p. (Pilot Population—Commercial and Private—Dwindling) DUNS Number: 003251972

Every decade or so the alarm sounds: Big Trouble, Not Enough Pilots! And claxons are howling again, right on schedule.

The causes of the latest calamity, which some say is already here, are several and include: retirement of Vietnam-era pilots, reduction in the military pipeline, increased air travel and a law demanding co-pilots achieve 1,500 flight hours and an Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) certificate--only to be met with a "you-want-fries-with-that" pay scale in spite of these costly attainments. The pilot shortage is headlining the Regional Airline Association 's convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, May 9-12. He also reflects on the cost and cheap commercial airfares. Stating that “As with the commercial pilot crisis, money is a major factor. Owning and operating a light aircraft can be expensive. A new Cirrus SR22 costs $500,000; monthly hangar rent can run $350-1,000 or more; avgas averages $6 per gal.

"Those are really big numbers," notes King Schools

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