I have learned many things over the past five weeks of this course. I have learned that when you become a teacher you must accept everyone and their differences no matter what. These are the people who will soon shape and lead our nation. As a teacher one thing you say could ruin your reputation as a teacher. During my observations I realized how diverse a classroom really is. Just spending the fifteen hours in a classroom and observing has really helped me in looking deeper into everything and how things run in school. I also have learned that there are many ways you can figure out “tips and tricks” to dealing with difficult situations. The things about being a teacher and working in a certain environment can really give you more knowledge than working in most places. As a teacher your job is supposed to be teaching your students, but more times than not you will be the one learning. Kids can teach us to open our eyes to diversity because they are not born with hatred or bad thoughts about others. They learn those things from the environment and people around them. Seeing how young children react with each other we can learn a lot from them and if we just look at their views more than our own we can learn how to become better human beings. Overall, this course has taught me a lot about the people I come into contact with every day and how my actions may or may not affect them. My last fifteen hours in the classroom have really served helpful in having me look deeper into
I came into this class not so naïve as some students may have been. I’ve grown up going to public schools, living in a diverse small town, and having interracial relationships in my family. Although I was informed on some forms of racism and the fact that racism does in fact still exist, I didn’t realize it was extensive as it really is. All the readings, videos, and lectures have directly related back to the purpose of the course. As a whole, I feel like this class has grown in knowledge not only about how racism affects people, but how to change and make a difference. This class has informed me a lot more about the unfortunately thriving acts of racism in the United States.
I learned some important things from this course that I will allow to stick with me no matter my profession. Diversity is something I will always have to deal with regardless if it is race, gender, or gender orientation. Importantly this course has allowed me to grow as an individual and has shown me that it is okay to learn about other races and their background. Not only has it allowed me to be acceptable of everyone in fact, it has allowed me to be less judgmental amongst others.
I learned things from this class that I would have never learned in a classroom as a student. As a Teacher Cadet, I loved all the adults I worked with at my elementary school and had the uttermost respect for them. However, just as in the real world, not everything was always smooth sailing. There were times I got frustrated and I felt I was doing everything wrong but I had to learn to power through it because I made a commitment to not only the class academically for myself but also to all 19 of my students. By being in the classroom everyday, I gained a different sense of responsibility. The bond I made with each of those kids I cannot put into words. I truly looked at them and loved them as if they
This movie, The Classroom, which was very interesting to watch, discusses all that goes on in the school system, the good and the bad. But it also shows how things at home can affect the way the student acts during the school day. This movie definitely makes you look at students that act out differently, instead of punishing them maybe we should all look deeper into the issue and find a way for the student to thrive and use school as an outlet.
In my work place, I work with culturally diverse families. Most of children speak another language at home, and first experience at preschool setting. My families often same culture as mine, but it is not always have the same beliefs and values. My job responsibility is to learn how to develop positive relationships with diverse families. That means I work together with families, teachers to help children learn the best. Working with families sometimes is difficult to build a relationship with them. I establish a partnership and relationship with all the families.
I would have to say that the biggest takeaway from this class, was how I learned how to improve my time management. I have to admit that I'm still not the best at handling time, but I'm better then then when I started this class. This class has also helped me not just in the classroom, but in the workforce also. I
The first thing I want to talk about is the assignments that I have had in the class. During this course we are given assignments to post onto the discussion board, which I believe is excellent, because this allows you to see how the students around you approach the situation. This does not necessarily mean they look at others work in order to copy, but instead it gives students who might not be able to comprehend as easily, a chance to be given examples by their own peers. It also gives great comfort that the teacher of this course does not for little effort, but she takes the time to read over it and give her correction so that the students can apply with the future assignments to come. Our first assignment that was given to us was a mere introduction about who we were, what we do, and what our plans were for the future. This, to me, was a sign that let me know
This assignment will critically reflect and analyse a microteaching session I presented to my peers in a clinical placement regarding Nursing management of chest drains. I will define reflection; teaching, learning and the rationale for choosing this topic will be clearly outlined in this paper. The preparation, planning, implementation and evaluation will also be incorporated. This assignment will be structured using Gibbs (1988) reflective model cited in Modular Training Course, 2003 because of its simplicity. Analysis will permeate through each stage of the Gibbs reflective model. Finally I will conclude by reflecting on my role as a joint practitioner outlining areas of personal, professional growth, identifying my strength, weakness
Please think about and answer the following questions about your lead teaching experiences. The answers should be thoughtful and reflect the ability to evaluate your instruction. Instructions to clarify some questions are written in italics.
I improved on my understanding of education by having the opportunity to learn more about lesson plans. This class has helped me to grow in my understanding of students by allowing me to interact with them on a regular basis. Teaching lessons has become something that this course allowed me to become more comfortable with. While I still need to improve on my time management while creating lessons, I believe that this course has shown me what I need to do to teach an effective lesson.
This course has taught me many things about myself and who I am as a tutor. When beginning this course, I was not sure what to expect from the overall class. I knew that I enjoyed helping others and I find myself to be a strong leader, so this course would be enjoyable for me. I expected myself to be a tutor who was helpful and friendly, and I hoped to be the best tutor I could be. Becoming the tutor I am today took time, and there is still lots of room for development. Before starting this course, I certainly did not have well developed skills that are needed to be a great tutor. I have grown as a student and as a tutor throughout this semester, and I have even applied my knowledge from this course into other classes. I love helping others,
When taking this class, I got to learn how to think critically, ask the right questions and formulate my thoughts into coherent paragraphs. The presentations gave me a lot of information; the assignments helped me remember and better process what I learned. And finally, the discussions gave me the opportunity to express my ideas, as well as an insight into what my classmates
This class has helped me understand so much more about myself and how I function on a daily basis. It opened my eyes to information I may have never known. The one things I enjoyed most about this class was learning about brain development and how each structure of the brain has its own function to how feel, move and think. It was very interesting to know that our brains are not fully developed until the age of twenty-five. The brain is the control center for how we survive and how we live our live.
In summary, this course has really educated my view of being a teacher as well as being able to interact with today’s diverse and fluctuating educational setting. Therefore, the discussions were very good ways in understanding how
Teaching is not just a job that I perform because I expect a reward at the end of each month; it is my passion and I feel extremely satisfied with every successful lesson. I like to help the society, and teaching gives me a great opportunity to do so. I am passionate about educating my students, so I work with them and motivate them to lead them to find inspiration in learning. I use different strategies to engage them and share with them the knowledge.