
The Reflection Of Being A Teacher

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I have learned many things over the past five weeks of this course. I have learned that when you become a teacher you must accept everyone and their differences no matter what. These are the people who will soon shape and lead our nation. As a teacher one thing you say could ruin your reputation as a teacher. During my observations I realized how diverse a classroom really is. Just spending the fifteen hours in a classroom and observing has really helped me in looking deeper into everything and how things run in school. I also have learned that there are many ways you can figure out “tips and tricks” to dealing with difficult situations. The things about being a teacher and working in a certain environment can really give you more knowledge than working in most places. As a teacher your job is supposed to be teaching your students, but more times than not you will be the one learning. Kids can teach us to open our eyes to diversity because they are not born with hatred or bad thoughts about others. They learn those things from the environment and people around them. Seeing how young children react with each other we can learn a lot from them and if we just look at their views more than our own we can learn how to become better human beings. Overall, this course has taught me a lot about the people I come into contact with every day and how my actions may or may not affect them. My last fifteen hours in the classroom have really served helpful in having me look deeper into

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